Kayla startles when Agnes eventually clears her throat, and I slowly twist my head to the scowling gray-haired woman.
“Is Kayla going to be sleeping in your office?” She glances at the suitcase.
No, but I don’t mind spreading her out on my desk?
Fuck. Shut up.
I empty my lungs like a deflating balloon. “Right. Where are you staying?”
Kayla looks at me with big eyes, offering me an innocent smile that I’m not buying.
Oh, shit, here comes trouble.
She’s cute, but this little sassball does not get away with sweet glances and fluttery eyes. I’ve already witnessed the mouth she has on her, and there is nothing sweet about it.
“I don’t know?”
My face falls when I realize what she’s saying and my eyes snap shut as I let my head hang. “You don’t have a hotel?”
“I kinda hoped I could stay with you until... well, you know, you pay me money, and I can afford to find my own place?” Her blue eyes widen some more as she stares at me expectantly.
“Kayla.” My tone is growling and reprimanding, not even slightly aligning with the thoughts running through my head. Having this girl in my personal space is not a good idea. When I stayed with Rae’s family last summer, it was only a weekend and I had a hard time keeping my hands to myself. Translation; I didn’t.
The only reason I went there was because I knew I wasn’t going to see her much after that. It was safe. She wanted some fun. I wanted some fun. But then Thanksgiving came around, and the hard muscle between my legs was more than eager to have some morefun. It was freaking torture.
It’s hard enough I agreed to this dumb plan, and that she’s going to be running around my office every single day. How the hell am I going to keep this professional if she walks around my house every morning too?
“Oh, come on, Bodi. I won’t bother you. You won’t even know I’m there. It’s not like we’re strangers. Maybe we can even become friends.”
“Friends,” I scoff.
“You’re friends with Rae,” she counters, a little offended.
“Different situation, babe, and you know it.” Why the hell did I just call her babe? I give Agnes a side-eyed glance, and she now has a brow quirked up in question.
“Please, Bodi. I’ll be good. I promise.” I stare into her pleading gaze, knowing it’s a lost battle. My dick twitches in my jeans, not happy about either way I’m going with this. I’m not gonna send her back out to fend for herself in a city she doesn’t know, but taking her home will be a disaster waiting to happen.
I’m so toasted.
“One month.” I point my finger at her chest. “You can stay with me for one month while you look for a place of your own.”
I’ll let Agnes help her to hopefully speed up the process.
She lets out a shriek, clapping her hands. “You won’t even know I’m there.”
Yeah, I highly fucking doubt that. “And don’t be late to work because I won’t hesitate to sack you off.”
“Yeah,” she begins, carefully. “How do you feel about me catching a ride with you every morning?”
“Let’s go, Kayla.” I grunt in frustration, rolling my eyes before I spin on the spot to carry myself to the elevator.
I give this girl an inch, and I have a feeling she’ll be able to swallow me whole if I don’t watch out.
Continue reading the next book in the series with book 3: Forbidden You (An Age Gap, Office romance)or keep reading for a little bonus scene.