The front door slams open with a loud thud, and I look into the hallway from the kitchen to see who it is.
“Damn, it’s cold outside!” Bodi grumbles, with a scowl on his face. He rubs his hands together, blowing some warmth into his palms.
“It’s forty degrees. It’s notthatcold.” I frown at his pussy ass behavior.
“I’ve lived in LA for the last eight years, Goldilocks. It’s fucking freezin’.” He hangs his coat on the rack before he joins me in the kitchen.
“You do realize it’s pretty much the same temperature as in Atlanta, right?” I cock an eyebrow at him, while I start whisking the milk through the mashed potatoes, raking my eyes over his outfit.
He’s wearing gray pants, with a black dress shirt, and a gray waistcoat tops it off. His dark hair sits tousled on his head, and he is clearly freshly shaved, even though he’s been rocking a casual beard for the last few months.
“You’re all dressed up? What for?”
He dips his chin, glancing at his clothes. “Oh, this? Yeah, I just had a meeting.”
I narrow my eyes at him, having a feeling he is bullshitting me, but it’s fucking impossible to read his face. The man has a poker face that could win you millions.
“Am I the first one?” He glances around the kitchen.
“Yeah, I’m expecting Charlotte and Hunter any second, and Jensen just called. He’s leaving the rink right now.”
Bodi awkwardly shuffles on his feet, and I look at him. “What is it?”
“Nothing,” he says, with that same straight face as he moves to the fridge to grab himself a beer. When he closes the door again, he plucks an opener from the drawer, then leans his back against the counter.
“So, Kayla isn’t coming?” he asks, casually taking a pull from the bottle.
I purse my lips, dropping what I’m doing to press my hands against the cold surface of the kitchen island. “She is,” I drawl, “but I thought you two agreed it was nothing more than a summer fling now that she’s back in California.”
“We did.”
“That,” I pause to point my finger at his face, “is not a face that sayswe’re over.”
“Then what is it, Goldilocks?” An amused grin forms on his face before he takes another pull, his eyes holding my gaze over the rim of his beer.
“A face that saysI want to fuck her again, because I can’t get enough.”
He snorts.
“A face that says I might actually like this girl,” I add.
“I do like her.”
I push out a troubled breath.
“Someone is about to get hurt, Bodi. She can pretend all she wants, but she’s not the kind of girl that does casual well. She’s not the tough girl she likes to think she is.”
My cousin plays a good game, but I also know she doesn’t have a heart of stone. When she loves, she loves deeply. Falling madly in love with a guy who’s ten years older and living on the other side of the country is the recipe of heartbreak.
Not to mention the little bits of information she sprinkles at me about her ex-boyfriend who may or may not be her boyfriend whatever day of the week you ask.
“I know.” He placates. “I’m not using her or anything.”
“I know you’re not,” I concede. “But you want tokeepit casual. She justtellsyou she wants it casual.”
“Look, Goldilocks.” He gives me a sweet smile. “I don’t want to hurt her, okay? We’re just having fun. She knows that.”
I shake my head. “When shit hits the fan, and it will...” I scowl. “I’m gonna have to pick a side. She’s my cousin, and you’re my friend. I’m guessing you know what that means. Please don’t make me pick sides. She’s only here for one night. Don’t ruin friendsgiving by hooking up with her.”