“Then, yes.”
She gives me a dull look. “Sure.”
“Geez, Rae. I’m a poor student,” Kayla huffs.
“You’re buying me a fucking hotdog, Kayla. Or I’ll go and take my chances with Nana. I’m craving for some fried chicken, anyway.” I casually tap my chin.
“Fine!” she growls. “I'll buy you a damn hotdog. Can we go now?”
“Give me ten minutes.”
When we left the house, I didn’t feel as bad as I had for the last week, and I welcomed the distraction of Kayla chatting about some guy on campus trying to get her to go on a date. But as soon as we arrive at the PNC Arena, I regret not taking my chances with Nana.
Anxiously, I look at the big building, my eyes scanning the crowd. I didn’t expect to feel as overwhelmed as I am, looking at all those people wearing hockey shirts. The red jersey of the Hurricanes doesn't look like the black Knights shirt at all, but it still reminds me of Jensen.
I slowly exit Kayla’s car, anxiety probably written on my face.
“It’s just a game, Rae. I bet the cold vibe of the rink will help get your mind off things,” Kayla offers when she notices my pained expression.
“Right,” I reluctantly admit, with a lump in my throat.
“Come on, we’ll have fun. I promise.” She links her arm through mine and drags me toward the entrance.
We shuffle through the crowd, showing our tickets at the register before we find our way to our section. The cold air of the rink graces my cheeks when we walk down the stairs, and immediately, I suck in a breath that calms down my slightly racing heart. Even before I got a job with the Knights, I used to love watching hockey with my family. But since I’ve had the privilege of watching every home game of the Knights in the rink, it’s been one of the things I always looked forward to. The scratching of the skates on the ice, the cold air, the smell of hotdogs, the crowd cheering.
I love it with every fiber in my being, and for just a second, I can detach myself from the man that is inextricably linked to this sport and just enjoy the atmosphere in the rink.
“Lower Level Center, huh?” I suspiciously eye Kayla when I find out exactly where our seats are.
She keeps a straight face, ignoring my question as she descends to our row.
“Johnny gave you these tickets?” I follow her down with a skeptical frown. Though I know Johnny can get some awesome tickets being a GM in the NHL, I’d figured he gave Kayla some tickets that were giveaways, not the best seats in the house.
Kayla stops at our row, opening her arm to tell me to get in. “Seat eight.”
I blow out a breath at her annoying behavior, deciding to ignore it. That is until I spot a head of dark blonde wavy hair and a baby bump sitting in the seat next to mine.
Rubbing her stomach, she looks up at me with that same kind smile she showed last weekend. Her plump belly sticks out, while her shoulders are covered in a red Hurricane’s varsity jacket.
“Hey, Rae.”
“What a coincidence.” I snap my head back to Kayla, grinding my teeth. “Johnny gave you these tickets?”
She looks up at the ceiling with a half-smile on her face. “Did I say Johnny? I can’t remember.”
My head moves back and forth between the two girls as I keep on my feet. I fold my arms together, my back to the ice, giving them both a scowl filled with mistrust.
If this is Kayla’s way of cheering me up, I’m on board but something tells me she has more up her sleeve then just taking me out and teaming up with Charlotte.
“What's going on?”