My heart stops. The blood from my face rushes down, draining me instantly. I push off the car, pacing up and down the driveway.
“Excuse me?”
There it is. That ominous feeling, entering the room in its full glory.
“Your sister’s engagement,” she tells me in a tone that shows exactly how cunning she is. “It's next Saturday. I get that you want toexplorewhatever that is with this trashy blonde, but I’m sure your sister would appreciate it if you could let that be for a day or two and be here.”
“Della doesn’t even have a boyfriend!” My anger has flared up within a split second, wanting to punch something.
The grip on my phone grows tighter, as if crushing the device will crush my mother’s devious plan, but I know better. She raised me.
“Well, she does now,” she says matter-of-factly.
“She is seventeen!” I roar.
“He’s Senator McMahon's son. They will make a great couple. Besides, someone has to pick up your slack.”
“He’s a bully and a fucking dirtbag! He’s slept with almost every girl in her class!”
There is no fucking way, I’m letting Jerk Junior McMahon near my sister. Before you know it she’s knocked up and beaten up, I’ll be arrested for first degree murder, and Finn will have to represent me in court.
“The boy is eighteen, Jared. Besides, you live inCalifornia,” she says as if the word itself will give her hives, “what do you know about high school seniors in New York?”
“His reputation travels nationwide, mother. Which is exactly my point.”
“I don’t know what you want me to tell you. This is going to happen.”
I imagine her looking at her red nails, a bored look on her flawless face. My jaw clenches so hard it hurts, and I let out a deep grunt while my heart falls out of my chest. I went through every scenario in my head, from accepting the ending of mycareer until moving to some small town in the Midwest like a forgotten child.
Not once did it cross my mind that she’d be evil enough to use my little sister against me. I expected her to try and mold Della more and more into a carbon copy of herself, but I’d find a way to make sure she didn’t have to join the circus like I did. Forcing my underaged baby sister into an arranged marriage is taking this to a whole different level, I didn't think she was capable off.
She outsmarted me again, pushing me back against the walls with her freshly manicured nails. She is malicious, and even though that’s old news, it never occurred to me how far she’d go to get her way.
“Does Della know?” I hardly believe my sister would agree with this, and as much as I don’t want to keep my fake relationship, I can’t let my sister take the fall for me.
I can’t let her ruin her life because I’m a selfish prick.
“I’ll tell her tonight.”
“You’re a shit, mother. Do you know that?” I feel the words from head to toe, meaning every word. “You’re a sick bitch, manipulating your children any way you can, as long as you get what you want.”
She huffs, shocked, though I doubt the words will affect her. “I’m only doing what’s best for all of us, Jared. Your father becoming governor will open more doors than you might imagine.”
“I don’t need doors to be opened!” I blast. “I just want to be fucking happy!”
“Well, so do I. We all have to sacrifice for our family.”
“Pretty convenient. You never have to sacrifice shit, ain’t that right?”
“I’ve sacrificed enough, Jared.”
She doesn’t get it. She will never get it, and I hate her for it. I hate her for being a shitty mother, and I’m dying to be fuckingselfish and tell her to go fuck herself. But Della’s happy face pops into my head, and I can’t. I can’t destroy my little sister’s life like that. I’m selfish, but I’m not that selfish.
I shake my head, gripping my hair while I stare out into the street.
“I’ll come home.” I push out the words like they are venom on my tongue, a lump forming in the back of my throat.
“You will?” she questions, as if she’s surprised.