“I see that look on your face. All gushing and blushing. Just admit it, your head over heels for her. I know because I feel the same, man. I’d been trying to push it all away for years, feeding myself with bullshit, but when you know, you know,” he pauses, “and I think you know.”
I do know. Hunter is right. Bodi is right.
Within days, I’ve fallen in love with this little pain in my ass that keeps me on my toes. She has me saying goofy shit, thinking ten times a day how cute she is, and wondering wherethe fuckmy balls are.
And I don’t even care.
“I got a tattoo for her.”
Hunter’s eyebrows fly up, and I nod with pursed lips.
“A red boot. The ones she wore when I kissed her for the first time two days ago. The ones she’s wearing right now.”
My friend shakes his head, amusement dripping from his gaze. “You crazy son of a bitch, you reallyarein love with her.”
“Yeah,” I finally admit, with a cracking voice. “I love her.”
My chest expands as I finally say it out loud and suck in a deep breath.
“Told you.” Hunter smirks, pointing the bottle my way. “You haven’t told her yet, have you?”
I shake my head.
“Have you told your folks?”
The thought of my parents has me snorting in disdain.
I’ve successfully ignored them for the last few days, even though I’ve been getting texts and calls from everyone in my family. It’s only a matter of time before my mother will throw something in my face to make me do as she says.
But I’ve been thinking about it for the last two days, lying awake with Rae safely asleep in my arms. I’ve gone through every possible scenario, and none of them seems scarier than losing Rae. They can fuck up my reputation and trash my NHL career. They can disown me. They can make my life real hard, especially if my dad gets elected.
But I don’t care. The thought of a loveless marriage, to a girl I barely like, going to events that please my mother, saying the things my father wants me to say in the media, it all sounds like a nightmare. At first, I was okay, not knowing any better. I was fine with Hell, but Rae gave me a small taste of Heaven, and now I want it all.
I fucking deserve it all.
“Not yet.”
“Bet you’re looking forward to that.”
“Not really. They are threatening to end my career.” When I say the words out loud, they sound ridiculous, but I’ve seen people with less end up with nothing just because they pissed my parents off. Blood doesn’t mean shit to them.
“How the hell are they going to do that? You just won the Stanley Cup.”
“They have people everywhere. I’m sure my dad can find someone in the NHL to get me benched just to mess with me.”
I hold Hunter’s gaze, who’s blinking at me, then he shakes his head. “People are assholes.”
“Don’t I know it. I’m raised by them.”
“You know I’m coaching in the USHL now?”
I frown. “I didn’t. In Raleigh?” I ask, referring to the days he used to play hockey when he was a kid.
“Yeah. Peewees. Never expected to enjoy hanging out with twelve-year-olds, but it’s fun.” Joy brightens his face.
I’ve always known Hunter as fun and easy-going. He was a badass when he was in the fighting cage, but outside of it, he was the life of the party. His bright personality has always been overshadowed by a pain that never left his face, though. If you didn’t know him, you’d never see it, but I did. Hearing him talk about coaching the Peewees of Raleigh gives him a different stance, and for the first time, I can’t detect the pain that’s normally etched in his features.