“It’s none of your goddamn business!”
My skull feels like a nutshell she’s trying to crack, which is probably the result of my excessive drinking for the last two days. Or the previous female yelling my brain had to endure.
Either way, it’s making it a pain to think straight and stay calm when I just want to toss her over my shoulder and kidnap her to get this over with. I have a feeling she won’t appreciate that, though.
“Fucking hell, come on, Rae.”
Can’t she for once be on my side?
“No, Jensen. I don’t owe you shit, and I’m going home.Today.” She scowls, her voice firm and without any room for discussion. Her sparkling eyes stare at me for a moment before she sighs, her face softening a little.
“But I have no plans for the next few weeks, so if you need me to come to New York, then Sunday will be your first option.”
“Sunday is too late. My mother will be on my back within the hour, demanding me to fix this.” The words leave my lips before I think, and I hear Bodi mutter “idiot”behind me.
I’m fucking this up.
Blame my hangover.
She blinks, rolling her lips, her eyes shooting daggers once again.
“You have two options,mama’s boy. It’s either‘thank you, Rae, for giving me some of your time. You are the best,” she mocks before her voice turns in a roar I didn’t know she could produce, “or you can figure it out your goddamn self!”
Her anger hits me in waves before she storms off to Bodi without waiting for my response.
“Fine, Sunday,” I yell back to her.
“Fine! See you Sunday,asshole.” She stops in front of Bodi and holds up her hand while he rubs the back of his neck, an apologetic smile breaking through his lips.
“Sorry about that.” He nudges his head toward me, completely disregarding me as if I can’t hear him.
“Whatever. I’m used to it by now.” Bodi drops the keys in her hand, and she walks to the driver's seat, never giving me a second glance.
I groan, pissed, as Bodi saunters over to me with a gleeful smile on his face, my feet moving to meet him halfway.
“Well, that was entertaining.”
Ignoring him, I think about how the rest of the day will play out, knowing the paps will be eating this up like cake. With my father running for governor, it will be in every daily paper by tomorrow, and I’ll be expected to fix it. The only option I have is hiding out at home, hoping it will pass in a few days.
Surely my parents will send me their PR team to do damage control and before I know it they’ll have me play dress up for the next few weeks with line rehearsals to make sure I give a perfect answer to anything who asks.
I ain’t fucking doing that.
I need to get the hell out of this city.
I’m not staying in LA.
My attention flies to the black SUV as the engine roars alive, and then it hits me.
I know exactly where to go.
Picking up my pace, I trot past my best friend. The second he sees the determined look on my face, he rolls his eyes, jiggling his head.
“Whatever you’re up to,don’t.”
“Get in,” I roar at him, making my way to the passenger seat of her car.