Page 136 of Never You

“I don’t give a shit if dad gets elected either. I know it seems like I agree with everything they do, but I don’t. Our mother is a cunning bitch, and I know she’s always treated you like shit, and it’s not fair. She let me do my own thing because I happened to have chosen a career they agree with, but I’m not going to sit by and watch her destroy your life. Or Della’s.”

A little stunned, I blink, realizing I don’t know my brother as well as I thought.


“Yes, really, you fucking moron!” He lets out a frustrated breath. “If I have to choose between mom and dad or you and Della, it will always be the two of you. You always just assumed I’d go with mom and dad.”

I rub my hand over my face, grunting. I really am a fucking moron. I’ve been trying to keep everyone happy, but not once did I ask what they wanted or how they felt about shit. Finn is right. I always assumed they didn’t feel left out like me.

That they belonged.

“You’re not the odd man out, Jensen,” Finn continues, as if he can read my mind. “We all are. Della. Me.You. You’re just really shit at hiding it.” He chuckles.

I hold his gaze, our blue eyes showing me exactly how alike we are for the first time. Like he took off his mask, and a face of recognition locks with mine. My shoulders relax a bit as I open the door to throw my bag in the car, then I mirror his stance with my elbows on the metal.

“I envy you, you know?” Finn says, before I can say anything.

“Me?” I blurt incredulously. “Why the hell would you envy me?”

“Because you always had the balls to do whatever you wanted.” Pride flashes in his eyes.

“Pfft, don't feel like that,” I scoff.

“Maybe. But you wouldn’t be the best defender in the NHL if you weren’t brave enough to face mom and dad when you did.”

“I’m a coward, Finn.”

“No!” He slams his palm on the metal. “You’re a good brother, and a good son.” He pauses. “I know your loyalty. You’re a better guy than you like to think. I know that. Della knows that. Bodi knows that.” Another pause as he directly looks at me. “Rae Stafford knows.”

I stay quiet, my nostrils flaring as I slowly breathe out.

I fucking doubt that.

“She hates me, Finn.”

I get into the car before Finn does the same and gives me an encouraging look. “She’ll come around, J.”

“Let’s hope so. Gotta fix this mess first.”

He starts the car, and we both buckle up.

“We will.” He drives his car out of the parking lot and back toward the city. “We just gotta figure out what they are planning to blackmail Della with.”


Being in New York gives me more anxiety than normal when I watch the city pass by me. The crowded streets increase my level of stress in a way I haven’t experienced before. Now, I realize how good I felt in North Carolina and how much I don’t belong in this big city anymore. When we arrive at our parents’ townhouse, Della storms out of the house with her suitcase trailing behind her as she comes down the concrete steps.

Rage sits on her puffy cheeks, her eyes wide with a level of frustration I know all too well.

Oh, damn.

Startled, Finn and I share a look.

“What the hell,” Finn mutters at the same time our mother stalks after our sister. Finn and I both jump out of the car, and Della jumps into my arms the second I’m within an arm’s length.

“She is crazy!” she cries.

Protectively, I wrap my arms around her, cupping her head.