Page 104 of Never You

Bodi whistles, the corner of his mouth raising. “Meeting the parents. Bringing her to dinner parties. Pretty official, huh?”

“We are at her birthday with her entire family. I guess we’re past the casual phase, anyway. Besides, it’s fried chicken at Hunter’s. That’s hardly a dinner party.”

“If the wife of the inviting party is cooking,” he starts with his best posh imitation, which is still crap, “and the wife of the attending party is asked to join—it’s a dinner party.”

“Whatever, asshole. They are having a boy, by the way.”

“No way!” A wicked grin splits his face, the frowns amusingly. “The world is not ready for that.”

“That’s what I said,” I say, matching his smile. “You wanna come? He’s expecting me to bring you.”

“Nah, if you two are bailing, I think I’ll go and have some more fun with her cousin.”

“You do realize she’s ten years younger than you are?” I cock an eyebrow, a smile breaking through.

“It’s not like I’m going to marry the girl. We’re just having fun. Besides, I’m not third-wheeling your dinner party.”

We both walk back into the yard, looking over all the guests circling around the birthday cake. A breeze dances through my hair along with the smell of smoke coming from the barbecue.

“When are you going to tell her?” Bodi asks, nudging his chin toward Rae.

The question could mean anything, but I know what he’s asking. I’ve been looking for the right moment since yesterday, hoping I could corner her long enough tonight to tell her how I feel.

How Ireallyfeel.

But now that I’m surrounded by a few dozen of her closest friends and family members, that doesn’t seem to be a good idea.

“Tomorrow,” I say, firmly. “I’m taking her out tomorrow, and I’ll tell her.”

“Sure thing,” I catch how he fixes his attention on Kayla, a flirting smile sent his way before he replies, “say hi to Hunter for me. Tell him we need a boy’s night.Soon! You, me, him and Jason. I haven’t seen those assholes in months.”

“She’s going to get you in trouble.” I tell him as he strolls off.

He glances back over his shoulder with a wolfish grin. “Isn’t that the point?”

And I laugh, because when my blue eyes find Rae’s golden retina staring back at me from behind a red cup, I agree.

I love trouble.

Now, all I have to do…Is hope trouble loves me.


Sneaking out on my birthday with Jared James Jensen wasn’t high on my list last week, but it’s the best gift I could wish for right now.

Sitting in the passenger seat of my car, again, I let the pine trees pass us by as I relax against the black leather. And it’s this moment here, just being with him, driving, that I’m the happiest I’ve ever been on my birthday since I’ve become an orphan.

I twist my head to meet his gaze.

“Are you sure you didn’t want to stay?” His blue eyes shortly connect with mine before they are aimed on the road again.

His tattooed arms look chiseled as fuck, bringing out every strong muscle as he holds his hand on the wheel. He looks sexy as hell driving my car.

“Pfft, are you kidding me? I didn’t even want a party in the first place.”

When he asked me to follow him, I eagerly jumped up, more than ready to avoid another curious look my way. I don’t think I can handle one more person asking what is going on between Jensen and me without acting like a bitch. The question bothersme because I don’t have an answer. It reminds me of the uncertainty that I know is hidden somewhere. I can feel it in my bones, but I’m going to do my fucking hardest ignore it for today.

It’s my fucking birthday after all.