Page 59 of Always You

Fuck, he’s getting hotter every day.

He seems to get bigger the more he fights, training his ass off when he’s not hanging out with me. The sight of it makes it harder and harder for me to deny I don’t want to explore every inch of his body. Because after imagining it in my fantasies for months now, there’s nothing I’d want to do more.

A smug grin splits his gorgeous face that doesn’t fully reach his eyes as he walks up the porch steps.

Something is up.

“What are you doing?”

I hold up my book.

“Of course.”

“I thought you were going to the creek?” I ask, referring to the conversation we had on the phone this morning. I know the water is still stone cold, but there are always some crazy boys from school that think it’s a good time for a swim whenever it’s above sixty degrees out.

“I am.” He easily lifts my feet, then takes a seat next to me and puts them back on his lap. His hands never let go of my heel, a tight grip burning through my sock.

“But?” I know that look on his face. “You had another fight with your mom?”

“Hmm.” He brushes his hand through his hair, avoiding my gaze as he stares at the wood on the porch. I hope he’d fight less with his mom, considering he wasn’t home much anymore. But lately, she’s been getting into it with him every time their paths cross.

“You wanna talk about it?”

“Maybe later.”


I could push him, and he would tell me. He’s walked up my porch in this state many times before, but his entire stance right now tells me he just wants to ‘be’ instead of talk. We sit therefor a few minutes, his hands resting on my legs, while I do my best to read the words in front of me. Which is fucking useless, because I hate seeing him like this, all lost in his own thoughts, looking like he carries the weight of the world on his shoulders.

I’ve been tempted to ask Mama if he could stay with us until we graduate, but ever since Mama’s latest chemo hit her like a ton of bricks, I don’t want to give her the feeling she’s got another kid to take care of, when she can barely take care of her own.

“Come with me?” he finally blurts, and I glance up from my book, then offer him a skeptical look.

“I don’t really like parties, you know this.” I’m not the type of girl who drinks, nor do I enjoy talking to a bunch of strangers. As much as I hate to admit it, half of the people in my class are strangers to me. It happens when you’re too busy taking care of your mother instead of going to social events.

“I know, but I feel like shit, and you’re the only one who makes it better.” He has a pleading look on his face that pulls a loud exhale from my lungs. I don’t take any shit from anyone, having no issues telling people no when I have to... but Hunter Hansen can give me looks that make me forget I even have a spine in my body.

“Come with me. We will hang for a few hours, and then we’ll get some burgers, just you and me.Please.”

I roll my eyes at his low attempt to entice me with food, even though I know I’m going with him, anyway. I don’t like him being alone in this state. It makes him act like more of an ass than normal, and I’d prefer his black eyes to not come at all or from the fights he actually gets paid for. Letting him go to the creek by himself right now seems like a disaster waiting to happen.

“Fine,” I groan, rolling my neck when my eyes move to the back of my head.

“Thank you.” He takes my hand, pressing a kiss on my palm, shooting me a thankful look. Feeling his scorching lips on my body has a shudder running through me, and I lick my lips before I suck in a deep breath to push the flutter back in his cage.

“Ditch me for one of your bimbos, and I will never talk to you again.” I lift my finger in the air with a reprimanding tone before he snatches it, pulling me closer. My heart is setting a pace that’s as close as a beating drum. Strong, pounding, nerve-wracking. His brown eyes look right through me while I glance at his lips.

“Never, babe.”

We arrive at the creek about fifteen minutes later, and I’m relieved when I notice Julie’s car on the lot, relaxing the muscles in my back a bit. My eyes roam around the grass, looking for her honey blonde head of hair while there are about thirty people from our class, all dressed in swimming gear, either hanging out around the firepit in the middle, or swimming in the water. I exit the truck, letting my body slide down the side of the vehicle.

“Hey,” Hunter booms from the driver’s seat, and I turn around to meet his thoughtful gaze. “Tell me when you want to go, okay?”

The look in his eyes tells me he means it, but I’m determined to do my best to be a normal senior today, instead of wanting to go back home and check on Mama.

I nod, slamming the door shut, and he does the same. He pulls a bag with towels out of the trunk, then he wraps his arm around my shoulder, walking us toward some of his friends.

“Charlie!” The familiar voice of my friend reaches my ears, and I turn around just quick enough to catch her when shelaunches her body into mine. “You’re here! I thought you didn’t want to come?” Julie screeches.