“Oh, yeah, definitely a fruit lover. So many good fruits—peaches, melons.” I wink, earning me an eye roll before she gets out of the car, shaking her head with her cheeks high as the sky. I watch her as she marches in, casually brushing her dark blonde hair to the side, then flashes the cashier one of her famous smiles.
I swear to God, I could watch her all day.
I’m used to girls that are high maintenance, always taking an hour to get ready, eating salads instead of burgers, and not wanting to get their hair wet when we go out to the lake.
Charlotte doesn’t care about all that shit.
I’ve popped up on her front lawn more than once, shooting her a text to come take a ride with me, and she takes no longer than a minute, looking sexy as fuck in just a hoodie and some jeans. She is feisty as hell when she needs to be, not willing to let anyone step on her toes, but she’s also the most caring and loving person I’ve ever met. It’s not just her mom who she helps in any way she can. It’s me, it’s the freshman getting lost in the hallway, it’s the junior who needs tutoring, and it’s the senior getting bullied she spends lunch with if I’m not stealing her away. She has the biggest heart, and I can’t deny it’s fucking refreshing. And addictive.
The corner of my mouth curls up when she strolls back out with two cups of ice cream, each with a spoon on top. I reach over to open the door for her from the inside.
“Lemon, raspberry, and clementine vanilla for the fruit lover,” she quips, lowering herself back in her seat.
“Thanks, babe.” I take the cup from her hand, scooping a bite of the lemon ice cream and putting it into my mouth. “What did you get?”
She gives me a playful glint, cocking her eyebrow in that cute way she does.
“What do you think?”
I purse my lips while I think about it as I keep our eyes locked.
“I’m gonna go for,” I say, dragging out the words, “cookies and cream, chocolate, and peach for a fresh bite.” My eyes narrow a bit while hers widen in surprise. Pride swells my chest when she nods her head, impressed with my answer.
“That’s close, Hansen. Damn close.”
“What is it?”
“Cookies and cream, chocolate, and orange.”
Fuck yeah.“I know you through and through, Charls.”
“I guess you do.” She chuckles, while the beeping of my phone echoes through the car.
I look up when I notice a message pop up, and I grab it to check who it is, while Charlotte shamelessly glances at the screen, her eyes going wide when she reads the words.
Oh, shit.
JASON:Yo, birthday boy! Wanna hang at midnight? Celebrate your birthday?
Her gasp echoes through the truck like an unwanted morning gong, and I already know she’s going to want to have my head for this.
“What the fuck, Hunter?” she screeches with a big scowl on her face. “You’re shitting me, right?”
“What?” I wince, feigning innocence, even though I know where this is going.
“It’s your birthday?”
“Well, technically, no. It’s tomorrow.” I casually take another bite of my ice cream, avoiding her pissed gaze. From the corner of my eye, her attention falling to the time on the dashboard for a split second.
“Which is in half an hour!” she yelps, quickly leaning in to slap my arm. But I’m quicker. Before she can hit me, I grab her wrist with a big grin on my face, amused by her blazing expression.
“It’s not a big deal.” I hold a firm grip on her arm, her pulse throbbing in the palm of my hand.
“It’s your birthday! Of course, it’s a big deal! How old are you turning?” Another gasp.Shit.“Oh, my fucking God!” Green eyes roll to the back of her head, then she swiftly tugs her wrist from my hand, giving her just enough time to softly slap my head.
“You’re turning eighteen, aren’t you?”
“Ay, what the fuck?” I laugh, ducking to avoid her hand connecting with my face again. I knew she had spunk, but I didn’t expect her to go violent on me.