Page 180 of Always You

“Hunter,” I call out.

“You might wanna reconsider your words before I teach you just exactly how to talk to her,loser.”

“Hunter!” My hand lands on his chest, pushing him away from Ben as he keeps glaring at him. “Stop! Just stop!” He quickly glances at me, acknowledging my words, then I spin to look at Ben.

“I’m sorry, okay? I’m hurt and confused as fuck. Yes, Hunter overstepped there...” He huffs behind me. “But I’m as much to blame. Hunter and I didn’t leave things on good terms, and we’re trying to work it out.”

“By kissing?!” Ben blurts incredulously. “You said you needed some space to figure shit out. I thought you meant us! Not to rekindle an old flame with the guy who’s clearlynotyour best friend!”

Julie was wrong. I’m definitely a fucking harlot.

“I do.”

“You told me he was your bestfriend.”

“He is.” I sigh, pinching the bridge of my nose, reprimanding myself for the mess I’ve put myself in. “I just—I don’t know, okay?”

“You’re so full of shit, Charlotte. Didn’t pick you for a cheater.”

“I’m not!”

“Fine!” Ben snarls. “You pick then. Me or him.” The moment I realize what he’s saying, I gasp for air, shaking my head.

“She doesn’t have to do anything,” Hunter says over my head.

“Yes, she does! Because I’m not going to compete with some low-life scum.” Ben glares at Hunter from head to toe, and Hunter growls, taking a step forward. I keep my back in front of him, making sure I stay situated between the two men.

“Do you even know who I am?” Hunter grabs the back of my shirt, letting me know he’s got me.

“I don’t give a shit who you are. But you’re clearly more than bestfriends. Choose, Charlotte! Me or him.” I look at Ben, the frustration dripping from his face, and I can’t blame him.

He doesn’t deserve this. He’s been trying to make me happy for the last six months, doing everything in his power to support me in everything. But he’s been running a race he can never win. He’s competing for my heart, but my heart is not a prize that can be won. My heart is something I don’t control, no matter how hard I try. That has become more than clear since Hunter moved back home.

My eyes well up, and I shut them with a sigh, then take a deep breath. When I open them again, I look at a disappointed, still glaring Ben.

“I’m sorry, Ben. It’s me.” Internally, I roll my eyes at my own words, knowing how lame this sounds. “I think I should be by myself for a while.” I run a hand through my silky hair. “You and me? What we have been through? I didn’t want it. Ourrelationship went from casual and fun to serious and permanent in a very short time, and I wasn’t ready for it.”

I push out the words, scared I might chicken out while I keep staring at the hurt in his eyes.

“I’ve—I’ve—I have shit to work out. I need to figure out what I want.” I turn my body so I can look at both of them.

Hunter’s eyes darken in question, barely noticeable for anybody else but completely clear to me, as if he’s tapping into our unspoken connection, asking me if I’m okay.

“I need time. I need to think. I-I need to go.” I ignore Hunter’s gaze, as I give them both one last glance, then strut off while tears start to run down my face. Hunter calls out my name, but I keep walking, knowing I need to be alone right now.

What the fuck are you doing, Charlotte?

I’m not the kind of girl who messes around with two guys. I don’t do that. I’m an honest girl. It’s the one thing I’ve always been unapologetic about. Honesty and trust are of the highest on my value board, and don’t go kissing men who aren’t my boyfriend. But my throat turns sour, realizing I just came damn close, and my heart doesn’t even regret it.

“I have a hangover, Charlie. A bad one.” Julie’s groggy voice comes over the line.

“I think I just broke up with Ben.” My voice is etched with emotion, and I wipe away the tears with the back of my hand.

“So, the temporary ‘break’ turned into a permanent breakup?” Though she sounds exhausted, there’s no surprise audible in her tone when she continues after I grunt something in confirmation. “Because you’re in love with Hunter?”

“What?!” I blurt incredulously, a bit angry and still sniffing. “Why don’t you even sound surprised about me breaking up with Ben?”

“Look, Charlie,” she says, sympathetic. “As much as I like Ben, you’re fooling yourself if you think he could ever make you happy.”