She can deny all she wants. She can tell me she has a boyfriend a hundred times, but it’s the look in her eyes. What we used to have is still there. I just need to convince her to give me another chance, to make her trust I will never hurt her the way I did ever again.
To show her I’m in it for the long haul this time.Till death do us fucking part.
When we reach the quarry, the sun is appearing behind the trees, softly warming my skin as I set up the blanket I brought with me, then take off my shoes and lie down. She’s standing beside me, her hands tucked into her sides again.
“You know if I lie down, I’ll probably fall back to sleep again, right?”
I fold my hands in front of my chest as I look up at her. “I know there’s a possibility.”
She narrows her eyes at me in suspicion, as if she’s waiting for me to throw out another flirty comment, then lies down next to me when I keep my mouth shut. I can’t resist, though.
“But I can think of a few ways to keep you awake.”
She groans.
“Stop. Flirting. With. Me.”
I roll onto my side, my head resting on my elbow, while I get a little closer to her. She snaps her head toward mine with the same wide eyes as a few minutes ago, her lips trapped between her teeth.
“I would. But I know you. You don’t really want me to stop.” My eyes move back and forth over her pretty face, and I resist the urge to stroke her small freckles with my thumb.
“I have a boyfriend, Hunter,” she whispers.
Clenching my jaw, I grab her hip in frustration, roughly digging my fingers into her jeans, desperate to feel her skin against mine.
“Trust me, that’s the only reason I haven’t kissed you. Yet. But we both know it’s going to happen, anyway. I’m patient. I can wait. Iwillwait. But not because I want to. I’m not gonna stop saying the shit I wanna say to you. Never have, never will, Charls.” I let go of her, then lie back down again, looking up at the sky. She studies my face, before she mimics my stance.
Her not responding tells me enough, but I don’t want to push her for more before she’s ready, so instead, we both keep staring into the sky, while the sun vanishes the thick tension between us, until a few minutes later, we’re back to our comfortable selves.
“Are you gonna sell your mama’s house?” I ask, reaching out my hand to link it with hers, showing her I’m here. I know it’s a bold move, but I’ve got to where I am today by being bold.Taking risks. Every form of affection I display toward this girl,my girl, is a risk. But it’s a risk I’m willing to take, because I need her to know I’m here. I’m here through the good, and the bad, the easy parts and the hard, assuming this question is one of the hard parts.
She glances at where our hands connect, then looks back up, not saying a word about it.
“I’ve thought about it. But I can’t say goodbye.”
“Do you want a family in that house?” Her free hand moves to her stomach, cradling it a little, until her eyes find mine.
“I think I do,” she admits with a coy smile. “That house is filled with memories, and I think by raising my own children in the same house, they still get to know Mama a bit, you know?”
I softly squeeze her arm, shooting her an understanding look.
“I think she would’ve loved that.”
She lets out a sigh, the muscles in her face relaxed, putting a smile on my face.
“I forgot how peaceful it is up here.”
“I know. I’ve missed this.” My thumb gently swipes up and down her skin.
“Me too,” she admits.
“Yeah?” I know she isn’t just talking about the quarry. I know she can feel our connection growing again.
She nods her head, then quickly averts her gaze.
Last night it took me a while before she relaxed, but it seems like I’m making progress even quicker today. I get up, taking off my shirt while she eyes me with confusion.
“What are you doing?”