“Wave in front of the window,” I repeat, rolling my eyes.
“What? Why?”
“Because I know you. You’re going back to sleep if you don’t get out of bed right now. I need proof. Get out of bed, or I’ll come get you.”
“No, you won’t!” A slight panic is audible in her voice, and a smile splits my face.
“You know I will.”
She stays quiet, as if she’s contemplating her chances, then lets out a deep grunt.
I can hear her get up, stomping across her room, until her scowling face appears in the window.
“Hey, babe,” I sing, giving her a playful wave.
She flips me the bird, then disappears out of my sight.
“I’ll be right down,asshole.” Before I can reply, she hangs up, cranky as ever.
She never was a morning person, always bitching at me if I picked her up at dawn to take her somewhere for the day. But even though she’d hate me in the morning, she always loved the adventures we’d go on together, and I hope this will be no exception. Besides, I’m sure her “boyfriend” will want to snatch her time sooner or later, so I might as well get ahead to really show her I’m back for good. I’ve wasted enough time already.
Ten minutes later, she opens the door on the passenger side of my truck, still glaring as she drops herself in the seat, buckling up. Long legs taunt me from under her denim shorts, and for a split second, I’m happy her torso is protected from the early morning crisp weather behind a hoodie, because my dick would be getting highly uncomfortable if I see more skin.
“You ready?” I beam, starting the engine.
She slowly turns her head, cocking her eyebrow, her eyes still shooting daggers.
“You got food?”
I reach behind her seat to grab the bag of donuts, tossing them into her lap, then I open the center console to grab out a small thermos.
“Better now?” I hand her the thermos, her eyes going from the thermos to me.
“Depends. Tea?”
“Orange and ginger.”
She purses her lips, and I can see the features in her face soften a little when she grabs the thermos out of my hand, then reaches into the bag to choose a donut. As we drive off, I glance at her, watching as she sinks her teeth into the glazed dough when I get on the road and hit the throttle.
“Better,” she says, her mouth full of donut, as she closes her eyes to savor the taste, and I shake my head with a smile.
We drive in silence while she eats her breakfast, and I enjoy the peace. Nostalgia shivers up my spine.
Fuck, I’m a lucky bastard.
Eleven months ago, I didn’t know if I’d ever have these moments again, and therefore I appreciate them even more.
“Where are we going?” she finally asks after finishing her donut.
“You’ll see.” I wink. Her eyes roll in reply, but the annoyance from earlier has totally simmered away.
When I drive into the mountains, she turns her head toward mine, and I glance at her again, before putting my focus back on the road.
“Are we going to the quarry?” Her voice is soft and uncertain, enough to make my heart crack just a little.
“Is that a bad thing?”