“Is it true?” Hunter’s raw voice booms in my ear, fanning the shell while reaching to the highest shelf of my locker and grabbing the book I need. He rests his hand on top of my locker door, crowding me with his entire 6’2” frame. The warmth of his body radiates against my spine, lowering my lashes for two seconds to hold back another thrill that’s trying to break through the surface of my skin.
“Dylan Dickhead asked you out on a date?”
Meet the perfect plan.
“Jesus, Hunt,” I scoff, trying to forget the fact that he’s completely in my personal space.
“Yeah, he did.” It was the perfect opportunity to follow through with my plan. I was surprised Dylan cornered me after history class yesterday, but after he asked me if Hunter and I were a thing, I quickly reminded myself that Hunter and I are just friends.
I love spending every free minute with Hunter, but I’m a senior. Now that Mama is slowly starting to feel better, I should also experience all those silly senior things everyone does. Like going to prom. Cheer on the football team.
Go on dates with handsome guys like Dylan.
He’s totally different from Hunter’s bad boy exterior, but he’s Justin Timberlake cute, and I did have a crush on Justin when I was ten. I figured I have nothing to lose.
“And you said yes?” There’s a clear annoyance in his voice while I pretend to rummage in my locker. I can’t fully hold back the smug grin that wants to slip out.
He’s jealous.
At this point, I’m not even surprised anymore. He’s my best friend, but there is always this hint of aggravation in his eyes whenever Julie and I talk about other boys.
“Of course I said yes. Why wouldn’t I?”
“Because he’s a dickhead?”
“Maybe to you, but not to me,” I muse, rolling my eyes, making me wonder if maybe, just maybe, he’ll ever admit he’s jealous.
“Whatever. Where are you guys going? Dinner and a movie? Some fancy place at the sixth end?” he coos.
Yup, sounds jealous to me.
I conjure a glare to hide the slight amusement that runs through me as I turn to face him. The cut from last night’s fight is still bright red and swollen above his brow, but it doesn’t distract from his hazel eyes laced with panic. Barely detectable, but it’s there. “What’s with the tone, Hunter? I don’t go and bitch about your dates.”
Our faces merely touch, his warm breath on my skin fogging my head, and quickly I turn my focus back on my locker, preventing myself from drowning in his gaze.
Bless my fucking heart.
Will I ever be able to shut down my senses for this boy?
A loud, conceding exhale breezes through my dirty blonde waves until it reaches the nape of my neck, as if he realizes he’s being a jackass.
He is.
“You’re right. I’m sorry. Maybe we can double,” he quietly hums in my ear. His suggestion pulls a snort from my chest.
He must bejoking.
“No.” There is no chance in hell I’m going on a double date with him and his catch of the fucking week, whatever her name is right now. If I want to torture myself by listening to monkeys talk, I’ll just go to the zoo. Besides, I can’t have him scaring away my date when he throws his cage fighting in the mix, something he seems to want to point out every time a boy comes within a three-feet radius.
“Why not?” he screeches incredulously.
“Because I want to get to know him and that ain’t happening with you around.” I stall, refraining myself from picking the last book from the shelf to prevent myself from turning around. I know that if I do that, his smoldering eyes will make me cave quicker than quicksand.
“Oh, please.” He huffs.
“I’m serious. You’ll throw your dick out any chance you get, wanting to compare.”