“Eeew, you guys are disgusting,” Charlotte bellows.
“What? Why? It literally washes away.” I chuckle, throwing my hands up in question.
“You’re such typical guys,” Julie quips.
“Well, thank fuck, or you’d rather me wear a dress?” Jason gives Julie a mocking look, grinning.
“I accept you as you are.” She jokingly shrugs, and we all start laughing. “Okay! My turn! Never have I ever—lied to someone in this group.” She gives us all a smug grin, moving her head back and forth between all three of us, as I take another pull to answer her question.
“What?” I howl. “I’m really the only one?”
They all hum in agreement, and I roll my eyes at them.
“Whatever. Jason, you’re up.”
“Never have I ever—fallen in love at first sight.”
Jason and I both take a sip, and Julie snaps her head from left to right.
“I know why you are drinking.” She points an accusing finger past Charlotte’s flushed cheeks, then flips it to Jason. “But who are you talking about?” We all stare at him, wondering who he’s talking about.
“No one, never mind,” he mumbles, then gives me a pleading look to keep the game going. I shoot him a questioning look before continuing the game when he slightly shakes his head.
“Never have I ever—gone skinny dipping.” Charlotte’s head slowly turns my way, a scowl on her face. “Drink up, Charls.” I chuckle, taking a drink.
“Asshole,” she mouths, glaring.
“Wait,youwent skinny dipping? When was this?” A confused look appears on Julie’s face. “Like, in high school?”
“Okay, next question!” Charlotte calls out. “My turn! Never have I ever—kissed a celebrity.”
Everyone but Julie takes a drink, and Jason wiggles his eyebrows at her. “You know, I’m sorta a celebrity now. Being Hunter’s agent and all.”
She playfully pushes his face away when he leans in. “I dated your brother, you fool.”
“I hate my brother and he hates me.”
“Which will only become worse if he finds out you’re trying to kiss his ex-girlfriend.”
“I don’t care.” The expression he’s tossing her confuses even me, because is he serious? I know they’ve been friends for years, Jason being there for her when Jackass Jacob broke her heart again, but the look sprouting from his blue eyes right now has me wondering if it’s anything more than that.
“Oh, come on!” Jason’s playfulness slides into his features again, lips puckered. “Just a little kissy kissy?”
“Are you crazy? I have no clue where your lips have been!”
“I know where they haven’t been.” He lowers his voice, a flirtatious look on his face that makes Charlotte and me laugh out loud.
“Oh, no. We are not going to do that flirty talk again like these two.” She gets up, walking to the log on the other side of the fire, demonstratively crossing her arms in front of her chest.
“Wait, what?” Charlotte says at the same time I blurt, “Again?!”
“You know I can still grab you over there, right?” Jason deadpans, with an amused spark in his eyes.
“Whatever. Never have I ever—had sex in a public place,” Julie blurts, ignoring Jason’s lame attempts to flirt with her, and our incredulous, narrowed gazes. Brushing it all off with a small laugh, Charlotte and I exchange a conspiring look before taking a sip from our drinks. After that night on the tailgate of my truck, I have never had sex with a girl outdoors again, not wanting to taint one of my best memories by blurring it with other girls.
“Have you never, Jules?” Jason questions in surprise.
“Have you?” she blurts in a harsh tone.