In my arms.
I brush her hair out of the way, exposing her pretty face as her cheek rests on my chest. I watch her closely, a warm feeling in my gut when her torso slowly moves up and down at a steady pace while my hand is draped on her back.
I wanna say it’s weird. Strange even, to grasp the feeling she thunders alive in my core, because I haven’t felt it in so long. I desperately want to hold on to it.To her.But I already know I’m gonna have to let her go again.
I press a kiss to her forehead, while my hands gently brush her back, and she slowly stirs awake, letting out a soft moan that breezes all my senses alive.
“Morning, babe,” I whisper against her hair.
She gives me a sweet smile, her eyes barely open as her gaze scans around the room. “I can’t believe after all these years we had sex in your bedroom. It’s still exactly the same.”
I chuckle, knowing teenage Hunter is fist-bumping me right now.
Holding her in my arms, I glance around the room that looks a lifetime away from the life I’m living right now. Everything back in LA is luxurious, spacious, and grand, representing the life I’ve made for myself, while this tiny teenage bedroom reminds me exactly where I came from. I don’t miss a thing from this house, but lying here with Charlotte makes me realize this still feels like home.
When I left, a few years ago, I literally threw some clothes in a weekend bag, tossed an old family picture in there that reminds me of better times, and left. Jumped on that plane and never looked back. As soon as I started making money, I bought this house, and sent my mother a check every month, making sure she always had a roof over her head and food on the table. Or liquor, whatever she prefers.
But I never felt the need to come back to Braedon after Charlotte went to UNC and ended our friendship, simply because I didn’t have a reason to.
“Feels like a teenage dream.”A wet dream I’d like to relive over and over again.
“You think your mother is gonna freak out on me?”
“Do you care?” I smirk, brushing my lips against her forehead.
“Nah, not really.”
“I’m sorry I didn’t go to seeyourmama,” I offer, staring out of the window, looking out at the big oak tree I used to climb out of.
“That’s okay. She’s actually away for the weekend with a friend.”
“Really?” I ask, surprised. “She’s really doing good then?”
“Yeah.” She nods, glancing up at me. “I don’t want to get too excited, you know? But yeah, she’s feeling great. She glows more every week, and she’s almost done with the treatment, so hopefully, she’ll be in remission after that, but the prognosis seems really positive.”
“That’s great, Charls. I’m so happy for you both.” I stroke her arm affectionately. “You gonna get that dog now then?”
“Ha!” A spark of joy travels across her face. “Can’t believe you remember that.”
“I remember.” Sometimes I remember so much, I wish I didn’t, but I don’t tell her that.
The look on her face falls a little, as her eyes soften. She bites her lip, like my words cut her heart deeply, then she shakes her head before another smile appears.
“No, I don’t want another thing to take care of. Not yet. When Mama is better, I want to explore the world a bit. Maybe travel after graduation. See what else is out there, you know?” She moves her body up, resting her head against my shoulder. “I could even visit you sometime.” The tone of her voice is careful, as if she’s not sure if I want her to, and I hate how she picks her words like that.
“Yeah?” I brush her cheek with the backs of my fingers, peering into her eyes that are filled with insecurity as they keep looking at me in question. “That would be great, Charls.”
She sucks in a sharp breath, bracing herself for whatever words are about to come out of her mouth, and I shoot her an encouraging smile.
“You know I still love you, right?” she confesses, stuttering my heart. Staying quiet, I swallow hard, as my eyes just keep blinking. My mouth turns dry, and I ball my hands into fists, not knowing what to say.
She means a lot to me. Maybe even the world. But I vowed to myself a long time ago that I don’t dolove.I don’t want the heartbreak that is bound to happen when you give your heart to someone else. It’s the reason I asked for her friendship all those years ago, making sure she wouldn’t leave and take my heart with her.
I didn’t expect her to do it anyway.
Panic hits her body, making her let out a troubled chuckle, putting a smile on her face that doesn’t match her eyes.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable. I shouldn’t have said anything.”