“Why the hell not?”
If he becomes owner of Bradford Real Estate, he doesn’t need that money. His yearly profit payout will be more than fifty grand anyway. That’s what he wants, right? Security.
“Check your messages.”
Dread washes over me, drying up the back of my throat. “What have you done?”
I put him on speakerphone and do as he says, tapping my screen while I gulp but can’t get rid of the dryness in my mouth. My throat closes up when I tap the play button and watch the video he sent me.
There is no fucking way.
Lips part as I gasp for air, my eyes growing wide in shock. How is this fucking possible? How did he do this? Acid burns up my gullet, threatening to resurface what little breakfast I ate this morning.
My stomach hurts, and my knees buckle me to the floor, tears now forming faster than I can swallow them away.
I hate him.I hate him as I stare at the two bodies colliding together, the pumping motions with the moans rolling off my tongue. My hair is messy, sweaty, and my pleasure is undeniable.
“How could you?” I whisper, disgusted that he’d take a moment like that and make it something so tacky and ugly.
“You’re my ticket into real estate, and I’m not going to let you fuck it up.”
My phone slides onto the cold tiles as I bury my hands in my face. I can’t believe he did this. I can’t believe he would gothisfar. I hate him, but I hate myself just as much for not seeing it sooner.
Jason was right all along, and my stubborn ass wouldn’t see it. Now, his vindictive brother has my back against a wall, and I’m his fucking bitch more than ever.
I’m gonna throw up.
I don’t just feel used. I feel violated.
“I’m curious? Who do you hate more? Him or me?” I ask in a moment of defiance.
His chuckle grates my ears. “I wasn’t gonna trust your pretty eyes. It’s just business.”
My head pounds as my heart beats painfully, but I’m putting in an effort to keep my spine as straight as possible.
“Don’t do this, Jacob. Please,” I beg, even though it’s no use.
“I’ll let you know when you can expect the papers.”
It’s too much. The darkness is too heavy, and I don’t know how to deal with it anymore. I shut my eyes, until the line goes silent, and then I let my entire body fall to the floor.
Will my mind ever shut the fuck up?I keep worrying about shit that isn’t mine to worry about and I fucking hate it.
Julie stormed off the yacht last week, and dammit if it didn’t mess with my gut ever since. Far too many times, I debated sending her a text. Giving her a call. Just asking if she was fine. But I didn’t because the churning of my stomach whenever I think of her is answer enough. I can’t slip back into old patterns.
I have no clue what’s going on with her, but I know that girl better than she thinks, and she is anything but fine.
With my arms crossed in front of my chest, I scan the room where the marketing team of NVS is setting up everything for Ford’s first photoshoot. The lights are bright, probably highlighting every bit of my frown, but I haven’t been able to get rid of it.
I need something to distract me.
I glance to my side as Ford comes to stand beside me, as if I manifested him with my thoughts. Not what I had in mind, but okay.
“How’s your girlfriend?” Yup, definitelynotwhat I was looking for.