“Have you considered our conversation at the cabin?”

I’d hoped we’d never revisit that conversation again. My father and I were close, but I never wanted to talk about my personal life with him in such a detailed way. The fact that he knew so much about my sex life made me uncomfortable, and somehow his disappointment was worse. “Dad, come on.”

“All I asked is if you considered it.” Now that the conversation had turned serious, his lighthearted smile was gone. He looked as uncomfortable by this conversation as I was. “Emerson looks to be close to your age—”

“Dad, come on. She works for me.”

“And your mother worked for me.”

I shifted my gaze away, looking out the window so I wouldn’t have to look at him.

“I wouldn’t have said anything, but judging by the way the two of you interact… It seemed like there was something there.”

“She’s just a nice person, Dad.”

“I have no understanding of her characteristics because I don’t know her well enough. But I did notice your characteristics—because you’re my son.” He stared at my face even though my eyes were still on the window. The heat of his gaze burned into my skin. “It’s the first time I’ve seen you smile, the first time I’ve seen you let down your guard. It was like we were ten years in the past.”

I should consider myself lucky I had a father who was so concerned about my happiness that he would force a conversation he didn’t want to have, but I was a grown man who didn’t believe my private life should be up for discussion. “Dad, we already talked about this. I heard what you said and took it into consideration. I don’t wanna talk about it further.”

He was still as he processed my response, eyes identical to mine glued to my face. His fingertips wrapped around the neck of the bottle and squeezed tight, as if that response was a disappointment. He looked down for a moment then gave a slight nod. “My father and I were close. We did everything together. He’s been gone for decades, and I still miss him. But you’re right, he never asked me about my personal life, at least not in the way I’m asking you. If he’d lived longer and I were still unmarried, maybe he would’ve…I really don’t know. But I wouldn’t have appreciated the intrusion. I apologize, Derek. I was so resistant to your mother in the beginning for idiotic and immature reasons, and once I conquered my fears, I had a love that gave me everything I needed. I just want you to have that because it’s the best thing that ever happened to me…besides you.”NineEmersonI set the plate on the table in front of Lizzie. “Eat.”

She had her textbooks around her along with her binder, and she finished doing a math problem before she turned to look at the dinner I’d served her. It wasn’t tacos or pizza, her favorites. Her eyes narrowed, and her lips immediately pressed together with a look of disgust. “Mom, what the hell is this?”

“Lizzie, language.”

“What? I said hell, not fu—”


Lizzie rolled her eyes then pulled the plate closer to her. “Seriously, what is it?”

I set my food on the dining table and took a seat. “Salmon burgers.”

Lizzie stared at me like she couldn’t believe what I’d said. She was absolutely still, subtly horrified.

“Just eat it.”

“Why can’t we have regular hamburgers? You know, with real meat…not whatever this is.”

“Because that’s not what I made.” I picked up the burger and took a bite.

Lizzie watched me, watching my reaction to see if I hated it as much as she did.

“See? It’s good.”

Lizzie shook her head slowly. “Whatever, Mom. You totally hate it.”

“Well, that’s all we have, so eat it or starve.”

Lizzie stopped being difficult and did what she was told. She took a few bites, giving me spiteful looks, and continued to work on her homework. Now that she had soccer practice after school, she didn’t have much time to sit and eat dinner with me, so she did her coursework at the same time.

My phone lit up with a text. I looked down at the screen and saw Derek’s message. How’s your dad doing?

I thought it was sweet that he continued to ask, even after business hours. That meant he was thinking about my family in his free time, which was so thoughtful. In the beginning, he seemed like a selfish jerk, but now it was obvious he had a bigger heart than everyone else. He’s doing really well. He loves going to physical therapy.

Did he just start?

Yeah. It’s the most he’s moved in years. He started in the pool, but the physical therapist thinks he can move to land soon.

That’s great news. Happy to hear it.

Know what I’m eating for dinner right now?