“So, she’s in seventh grade?” Cleo asked.

I nodded. “But she tries to act like an adult.” I rolled my eyes. “Wants to grow up so fast, when I want her to stay this young forever. I’ve been a full-time parent for twelve years now, so I’m looking forward to having my own life again, but I’m going to miss having her around when she moves out.”

“We understand that so well,” Cleo said. “When Daisy moved out, it was rough.”

Deacon nodded. “It was nice for it to just be us again, but we miss having a family.”

“If I weren’t so old, we would do it again,” Cleo said. “But that’s just not possible at this point.”

“We’ll have grandchildren, baby.” Deacon looked at her. “And then we’ll take them to the cabin and do it all over again.”

“True,” Cleo said, smiling at the thought.

Derek was quiet, watching his parents.

The appetizer was brought, and then our orders were taken. We all helped ourselves to the appetizer and the bread at the center of the table, washing it down with our wine.

“I really loved your TED Talk, Derek,” Cleo said.

“Thanks.” Derek cast me a look of accusation.

“Sorry,” I said with a smile. “But I don’t feel bad about it, so I guess I’m not that sorry.”

Derek gave a slight smile as he looked at me.

“Are you going to do more appearances?” Deacon asked.

Derek drank from his wine and took his time responding. “Not sure.”

“Well…” I turned to him. “We do have to do a book tour, so that’s coming up.”

Derek turned back to me, his eyes narrowed. “You’ve got to be kidding me.”

“I already told you about it,” I said. “Remember?”

“You expect me to do all these interviews for my book and book promotion?” he asked incredulously. “When am I supposed to actually work? I’m an engineer, not a TV personality.” He started to get worked up because he was afraid he was going to lose time doing what he wanted most.

My hand went to his wrist to calm him down. “The book stuff is on the weekends, so no worries there. And we don’t have to accept any interviews you don’t want to do. I just thought the TED Talk was appropriate because it’s geared toward innovation, which is something you believe in.” I pulled my hand away once I saw him relax.

Derek turned back to his plate, his eyes slightly down.

Cleo smiled at me. “You’re good.”

“I just know him really well.” I knew him better than I knew myself, understood him down to a cellular level.

She turned to Derek. “So, that book will be released soon?”

“I’m not exactly sure when,” Derek said. “But I think sooner rather than later. I took a long time writing it, and they’re eager to get it out.”

“Are you working on the next one?” Deacon asked.

“No.” Derek grabbed his glass again. “I just finished the last one, and I want a break.”

“Not too long, though,” I said. “Got to keep those ideas fresh.”

Deacon grinned at Derek. “It’s nice to be with the woman who runs your life. Much easier that way.” He exchanged a look with his wife as he squeezed the back of her neck.

That was when I realized how similar Derek and I were to his parents, that Cleo was her husband’s assistant, and that was how they met. They probably hadn’t anticipated a romance developing between us, but it did. It was pretty difficult not to fall for the gorgeous man I saw every single day. “So, you’ve won a Nobel Prize… That’s pretty incredible.”

Deacon shrugged. “It was a long time ago.”

“So?” I asked with a laugh. “That’s such an incredible honor.”

“It is,” Cleo said. “But like his son, Deacon is very humble—to a fault.”

“Yeah, I can tell.” Without thinking twice about it, my hand moved to Derek’s thigh under the table, and I gave him an affectionate look, admiring the man beside me, the man I worshiped from head to toe.

His hand joined mine under the table, and he exchanged a quick look with me, one that matched my affection.After we said goodnight to his parents, we walked back to his penthouse a few blocks away.

His hand held mine. “What did I tell you?”

“What did you tell me, what?”

“That it wouldn’t be awkward.”

“Well, your mom is really sweet. She’s the warmest person I’ve ever met. She knows how to make everyone comfortable in any situation. Before I knew she was your mother, I really liked her. We went out for a drink once, and a guy my age bought her a drink. He was a good-looking guy too.”

“So, you like my mom because she’s attractive?”

“No,” I said with a chuckle. “I like her because she’s inspiring. She’s smart, hard-working, youthful like your father… I want to be like her when I’m her age.”

“I’m sure you will.”