“That’s a relief.”

“Don’t tell Lizzie.”

“Like I ever would. I know better than that.”

I propped my chin on my closed knuckles and sighed.

My mom studied me. “You’re crazy about this man, aren’t you?”

All I gave was a nod.

“Well, I hope it works out… I really do.”

“Me too, Mom. Me too.” It was so early in the relationship that I shouldn’t even think about the future, shouldn’t picture him being a father to my daughter, but it was hard not to when he made me so happy.

“He’s okay with Lizzie? That says a lot about a man, to accept the child from another father.”

“Well…he initially wasn’t happy about it because I never told him about Lizzie at all. He wasn’t interested in a relationship anymore at that point. But he changed his mind…and said he’ll try…further down the road.”

Mom gave a deep sigh. “That’s risky, sweetheart.”

“I know, but…” I was a pragmatic person who never took risks, unless it was a certain outcome. But I risked my job, my heart, everything for him. “I just couldn’t say no.”

“A man like that, rich and good-looking, isn’t going to settle for a single mother.”

That fucking hurt.

“I’m sorry, sweetheart. But it’s my job to say what you need to hear, not what you want to hear. He just wants to be with you, and once he’s fulfilled, he’ll realize it’s not worth it and walk away.”

That was my worst nightmare, watching him walk away, his physical urges quenched.

“It’s hard enough to get a man to settle down, but with a woman who already has a child…not going to happen. Unless he has kids of his own, it’s just impossible. Maybe you should get out of this relationship while it’s still new.”

I dropped my gaze. “It’s too late for that…”

My mother continued to study me. “I hope I’m wrong, sweetheart. I really do.”

“He said he would try, and I have to believe he will.”

“That’s a really vague promise, Emmy. You should assume he’s going to leave. That way, it’ll hurt less when he does.”

I inhaled a deep breath, the air painful on the way out.

“You’re such a sweet person, and I’m so proud of you who you’ve become. You’re a great mother, a great daughter, a great provider for this family, and I just want you to be with a man that you deserve. Of course, I want some rich stud who can give you a life you deserve, but that’s not reality, and I just don’t want someone to crush your spirit. Be happy while you can since you’re already stuck in this, but…it won’t last, Emmy. Cushion the fall so it doesn’t break every bone in your body.”“Baby?”

My eyes were down on my laptop as I sat on the couch, replaying the conversation with my mother in my head, hearing her voice like she was right next to me, haunting me with the fears that consumed me during the quiet moments. “Hmm?” I lifted my chin and looked up at him, seeing the most gorgeous man I’d ever laid eyes on. He had sincere eyes, matching the tone that came from that sexy mouth.

He moved to the couch across from me and lowered himself, his arms resting on his knees as he leaned forward, his feet planted against the rug. His wide eyes were still glued to my face, unblinking, studying me like a butterfly that might fly away any moment. “I know there’s something on your mind, and I want you to talk to me about it.” It was a candid approach to a problem, but he didn’t know how to go about it a better way than to outright ask. “You’ve been…different…all day. I can feel a change here, and I can’t figure out what it is. I don’t think I did anything, and if I’m wrong about that, please tell me what it is so I can correct the behavior.”

He approached my emotions like a scientific experiment, outright asking for data instead of approaching me like a human with a range of feelings. It was endearing coming from him. I closed my laptop and stared down at it for a moment before I found the words I wanted to say. “My mom knows about you. She figured it out…because she knows things.”

His fingers were interlocked between his knees, and he waited for me to say more.

“She just said a couple things that hurt, and I’ve been thinking about it ever since.”

“What did she say?” he asked quietly, fear in his voice.

I shrugged. “You know…that this relationship has no future, and I’m risking a lot for slim odds. My mom is really frank about things…just how she is. It bummed me out, but I’m sure I’ll feel better tomorrow.”

“Could you be more specific?” he whispered.

“She basically said no handsome billionaire is going to be a stepfather to Lizzie, and once this fizzles out, you’ll disappear…after you satisfy your physical need to have me. My job is at risk, my heart is at risk, and I’m risking it all for zero chance of success.”