He gave a slight nod. “That’s okay with me. Just being with you every day and not having to pretend you’re nothing more than a friend…is a relief.”

“Well…I think we should stay professional at work too. You don’t want to make people around you uncomfortable.”

He raised an eyebrow as he stared at me. “I’m the boss, Emerson. I can do whatever I want.”

“I know, but I still think it would be more appropriate.”

He looked at me like he wanted to argue, but his silence indicated his surrender.

Now it was just quiet, with the two of us sitting together, looking at each other.

I had no idea what to do. He was no longer off-limits. I could walk over there and straddle his hips if I wanted to. I could stick my fingers in that thick, dark hair and kiss that mouth that had left permanent marks on my lips. But my heart was beating so hard that I couldn’t do anything at all.

He gave me that unblinking stare. “Can I take you to dinner tomorrow night?”

My heart started to slow down a bit, touched by the question. I half expected us to get buck naked and screw on the couch. We already knew each other so well, the emotional foundation had been established, and all that was left was the physical aspect—which I was anxious to explore.

Come on, he was gorgeous.

But I told my dad I would be back within an hour, and I was already late. It would be rushed, and then I would leave right afterward…that wasn’t exactly romantic. He must have anticipated that since he gave me no time to prepare for this conversation. “Yes.”

His hard expression finally softened once he got the answer he wanted. This was a man who could have any woman he wanted, women ten years younger than him, models and actresses, but he traded all that in…for a twenty-nine-year-old single mom. He got to his feet, his strong physique stretching out that cotton shirt in such a sexy way. His sweatpants were low on his hips, and they were fitted on his muscular thighs.

I couldn’t wait to get those clothes off.

I couldn’t wait to make those erotic stories a reality.

I got to my feet and picked up my purse from the table.

He grabbed his wallet and keys.

“What are you doing?” I shouldered my purse and looked at him.

“Taking you home.” He headed to the door.

“You really don’t have to do that—”

“I know I don’t have to do anything.” He held the door open and nodded into the hallway. “I want to.”

I held his gaze and felt a soft smile enter my lips because our relationship already felt different…and I liked it. I was always the one taking care of him, and to see him take care of me…felt nice. “Alright.”

We stood in the elevator together, a few inches between us, and we descended to the garage where his black Bugatti was parked. His license plate read ROCKET. After we got inside, he started the powerful engine and drove me home.

Geez, and I thought the Escalade was nice.

He drove down the street, stopping at the lights, before he pulled up to the curb outside my building. He hit the button on the dash and turned off the roaring engine.

“I’m surprised you don’t build cars too.”

“I don’t build cars—yet.” He opened his door.

“Derek, I can make it the rest—” The car shook because the door was so heavy. I sighed and got out of the car and walked with him to the building. I didn’t have an elevator like he did, so we had to take four flights of steps before we reached my hallway. I spent more on rent than I wanted to, but it was important to me to have Lizzie go to a decent school and grow up in a good neighborhood. So, it was nice, in my opinion, but probably a dump to him. “I can make it the rest of the way. I just don’t want my mom to…you know.”

His hands slid into the pockets of his sweatpants, and even though he was dressed to lounge around the house, he looked powerful, like he was wearing a suit. His strong body filled out his clothes in the sexiest way.

I couldn’t believe this man was mine.

“You aren’t going to tell her about me?” He spoke quietly, his voice sexy and deep.

“Not for a while, but I will eventually. I swear she knows everything, so she’ll probably figure it out on her own…somehow.”

He gave a slight smile. “My parents do the same thing.”

“Well…goodnight. Thank you for the ride.” I turned away.

His large hand grabbed me by the upper arm, gave me a possessive squeeze, and he gently guided me back to him, pulling me closer and closer until I was practically in his chest. His hand never left my arm as he looked into my face, changing the tone of our relationship forever. He looked into my eyes for a moment before he moved closer to me, placing a kiss on my mouth. His embrace was warm even though it was cold outside, and he didn’t even have a jacket. He squeezed my arm harder as he gave me a closed-mouth kiss, like just the touch of our lips got him hot all over, when a gorgeous model did absolutely nothing for him. He made me feel beautiful with his words, but his kiss made me feel like I could compete with all the women who had come before me.