She rolled her eyes dramatically. “Fine.”

“Roll your eyes at me again and see what happens.”

She turned to me. “You literally just did it to Grandma.”

My mom started laughing loudly. “She’s got you there, Emmy.”

“It’s different.” Whenever I looked at my daughter, I was grateful she was in my life because she really was the best thing that ever happened to me…even though she’d come at the worst time. That was why I was hard on her, because it was my responsibility to make her into a good person. “We’re both adults.”

“Well, I’m practically an adult…” She got back to scrubbing.

I shook my head. “Not even close.”

“When you were four years older than me, you had me.”

She always threw my poor life choices in my face. At least it made her learn from my mistakes, even if they were a little humiliating. “And I’ll be the first one to tell you I was a child with a child.”

“Amen to that,” Mom said from the couch.

Lizzie chuckled.

Ugh, I hated it when they ganged up on me. “When I come back in here to make dinner, this place better be spotless.” I headed back to the living room to join my mother.

“No need,” Mom said. “I’ve got a pot roast in the slow cooker.”

I sat on the couch and slipped off my heels, exhausted after a long day.

“How’d it go today?”

“Good. I just can’t believe that man is so all over the place… How do you live like that?”

Mom shrugged. “Have you seen Lizzie’s room?”

I rolled my eyes.

“I saw that,” Lizzie said from the kitchen.

I did my best not to chuckle, but that was impossible.

I worked longer hours than I used to, but my mom never complained about taking care of Lizzie because my high salary had dramatically changed our lives. My parents had their own space and got an allowance from me to get everything they needed. I also had enough to care for Lizzie, along with buying all of her equipment for school and sports.

“How’s Dad?”

“Haven’t talked to him since I picked up Lizzie from school.”

“Well, I’m going to go talk to him about something. Keep an eye on that brat a little longer…”

Lizzie looked at me over her shoulder and stuck out her tongue.

I did the same back.

Lizzie chuckled then turned back to her dishes.

I headed down the hallway and knocked before I entered their apartment.

Dad was watching the game in the recliner, a bottle of beer beside him. “Hey, sweet pea."

“Hey, Dad.” I leaned down and kissed him on the cheek. “How’s the game?”

“Giants are losing.” He shook his head, genuinely distraught over the score.

I sat on the couch beside him. “It’s just preseason. They’ll come back.”

“They better.” He turned to me. “You look nice. How was work?”

“Thanks. It was long, but good.”

“That man treating you with respect?”

I smiled. “Always.” Well, except for the erotic short stories he used to write.

“Good.” He turned to the TV again.

“Dad, there’s something I wanted to talk to you about.”

“Yeah?” He turned back to me, like he couldn’t care less about the game. “Everything alright?”

“Yes, of course,” I said. “I already know what your answer is going to be, so just know that you don’t get a say in this.”

He cocked an eyebrow. “Oh, this should be good…”

“I got a quote for the surgery to fix your knee and have saved up for it. I already made you an appointment, so this is happening.”

His expression changed, his hard face slowly softening. “What…?”

“You’re getting that surgery, Dad. We’ve got the money. This is happening.”

He was speechless, which was saying something. He turned back to the TV even though it was obvious he wasn’t actually watching it. “Sweet pea, I can’t take your money. You’ve already done so much for us—”

“And you’ve done so much for me, Dad. We can go back and forth all day…not going to change the outcome.”

“That’s a lot of money… I can’t take it.”

“Oh, you’re gonna,” I said harshly. “I’ve saved a lot from my checks, and I’ve already got a nice college fund for Lizzie. I’ll be saved up for that in a year. Dad, there’s nothing I need that I don’t already have, and what I want, more than anything, is for you to get your life back.”

He bowed his head, stunned. “Emmy…I don’t know what to say.”

“Don’t say anything. I only came here to tell you as a courtesy since, you know, you’re the one they’re going to put under for the surgery. I should probably give you a heads-up about it.”

When he turned to me, a slight smile was on his lips, but his eyes were packed with immense emotion, like he might well up and cry. “You’re really something special, sweet pea. I don’t know many people who would be that generous.”

“Well, you raised me to be that way, so you can thank yourself.”