Page 160 of Forbidden You

“Girl, that makes no sense, but weirdly it does.”

“Oh, and he sucks in bed.”

“WHAT?!” I squeal, followed by a giggle.

“It’s true. The man is better with his mouth than his dick, and I’m not talking about when it’s wrapped around my pussy.”

“Stop! Before I see things I can never unsee.” I playfully slap her hip.

“It’s true. I don’t know why I stayed this long.”

A thought pops into my head, a little mischief lifting my cheeks. “So…you werenottalking about Jacob when you were talking aboutthe bliss of sex?”

“No,” she sputters.

“Is there someone else?”

Her brown eyes peer up at me with a little conflict dancing around the edges.

“There is, isn’t there?”

“No.” She rolls her eyes, then closes them again to wallow in the warmth of the sun. “Maybe.” A smile creeps up her lips.

“Tell me!”

“I can’t! Let’s just say, someone opened my eyes, but I don’t want to rush anything. It’s…”

“Let me guess, complicated?”

“I don’t want to ruin it.”

“You think you will?”

“I don’t know. We have a history.”

Suspicion purses my lips, but I’ll respect her wish to not share any more until she’s ready. “Do you think he feels the same?”

She tucks her lip between her teeth. “I think so, yeah.”

Good for her.

I chuckle at the content look on her face, then lower my body to lie next to her.

The warm sun feels like a comfortable silk blanket on my face while the smell of the fresh magnolia flowers enters my nose every now and then. I settle my shoulders against the fluffy grass underneath the blanket as a long moan escapes my lips.

“Didn’t sleep well?” Julie asks.

I slept perfectly. Until it got rudely interrupted, and I couldn’t fall back to sleep after.

“Bodi called.”

“What?” She snaps up, spilling half the contents of her wine over her blouse. “Shit.”

I squint my eyes a bit open, watching how she wipes it off with a napkin, then whips her head toward mine.

“Yeah,” I drag out, closing my eyes again.

“What do you mean,yeah? Spill it.” She nudges my side, and I jerk with a smile.