Page 153 of Forbidden You

“Bringing up memories?” That’s Jason.

“Shut up, asshole.” Hunter again.

“It does bring back memories, though,” Jensen chuckles while I take another swig of my precious bottle of Fireball. I think it started with shots, but I’m more than content with having a bigger supply in the palm of my hand.

“I was not as shitfaced as he was.”

“Are you kidding me?” Jason snorts. “You went on a three day bender. He’s only on day one.”

I nod approvingly. “Give it time.”

I have no ambition to get out of this state. I feel awesome!

“Okay, that’s enough.” The bottle sitting in my hand gets yanked roughly out of my hand.

“Hey!” I whine, doing my best to bring my head up. Or mostly, because it’s too fucking hard. Damn, I haven’t been this drunk in forever.

“Look at you. You look like a fucking idiot.” Jensen gives me a look of contempt, and I snort at his funny scowl.

“Oh, yay! We can be twins!” I blink, wondering why more Jensens seem to appear in my line of sight. “Wait, you are already twins. Boehoe, Jensen!”

Ha-ha,I’m funny.

Fireball makes me funny.

Not Kayla funny. But still funny.

I haven’t thought about her in at least an hour, this stuff must really be working.

Fuck, now I’m thinking about her.

She’s so pretty.

Her curves. Her brown hair. Her tits. Fuck, I’d give a whole bottle of Fireball to suck on her tits, and I’m fucking attached to my bottle at the moment.

“Shut up, you moron. When are you going to get your shit together?” Hunter booms. Damn, the motherfucker doesn’t have to be this loud.

“I don’t know what that means,” I titter. I haven’t felt like I had my shit together in weeks, but I’m perfectly fine right now.

“It means you should stop feeling sorry for yourself and call Kayla.” Jason says, always the voice of reason.

“What? Nooooo,” I drag out the word, doing something like waving my hand in the air to brush away whatever he’s saying. By the mention of her name, her face flies through my mind and my heart fills with something good.

“Oh, Kayla, Kayla, Kayla.” I smile. “I miss her smile.” Like a dodo, I look up at the sky, my lips lifting like they are held up with rope. “And her eyes. She has such pretty eyes. When I look at her, it’s like diving into a clear water lake.”

“Yeah, such a shame you don’t love her.”

“Oh, I do,” I confess, unable to detect his sarcasm in the state I’m in right now. “I just can’t tell her. Sssh.”

All their eyes widen, though I have to blink a few times to know for sure.

“Why are you all looking at me like that?” I whisper.

“And here I thought you were the smart one. You’re the one calling me out onmyshit. Not the other way around.” Jensen yelps.

“I am the smart one!” I say with big gestures, waggling in my chair. “That’s why we can’t tell her!” My head starts to spin, and I let it fall forward.

“Are you okay?” Jason’s voice is laced with worry, and I feel his hand on my back.