The lump in my throat grows as I nod. His lack of speech has hit a new level of low today and it worries the shit out of me, but there is nothing I can do about it right now. At least he’s here and he can see the growth of our foundation with his own eyes before his brain stops registering stuff completely. Sheila is right. If this is the only time he can be here, I need to enjoy it.
I suck in a breath, then exhale loudly before offering her my arm. “Shall we?”
“Gladly.” She takes my arm, and I put my hand on hers. “Thank you for doing this, Sheila.”
“Don’t worry about it, Bodi. Your father deserves a night out. And besides,” she says, grinning, “so do I.”
No other man would be able to steal Kayla away from me and get away with it unscathed, but my old man pulls it off. Gratefully, Kayla made the table settings, making sure she’d have me on her left and my dad on her right. And secretly, I’ve been resting my palm on her thigh the entire night while she entertains my dad as much as she can.
When the starter arrived, it became really clear my dad wasn’t able to eat another bite without being spoon-fed, and an uncomfortable sensation filled my stomach. Quickly, Sheila asked to switch places with the woman sitting on the right of my father. But Kayla brushed her away, literally.
“He’s my date,”she said, a little offended. Without giving us a second glance, she started to feed my father with the patience of a nun while she kept chatting to him as if he’d be able to reply at the same pace if she just kept going.
The entire sight affected me deeply, and I exchanged a few flustered looks with Sheila, who was as stunned as I was.
“Can you keep an eye on my date?” Kayla asks with a wink as she gets up.
“Of course. Where are you going?”
She ignores my question before she takes off to the stage. I watch her swaying hips moving from side to side, luscious as ever, then lean to the side to take my dad’s hand in mine.
“Are you having fun, Dad?”
I indicate the jerk of his neck as a small nod, and I straighten my back.
“Good evening.” Everyone in the room claps as Kayla takes the stage. I can see how her cheeks are flushed, while she swallows through the awkwardness of standing in front of a crowd. Pride fills my chest. “Thank you all for coming. First, I’d like you all to give a round of applause to the guest of honor tonight.”
I sigh, knowing I have to get up to say something, but I’d really rather stay here, watching how she glows under the beaming light. Like my north star.
“He’s very special to me,” she continues, shooting a jolt of excitement through my chest. “He’s handsome, well, actually, drop dead gorgeous.” The crowd laughs. “But he’s also the kindest, most lighthearted man I’ve ever met. Give it up for Terry McKay!” She blasts out my father’s name and everyone snaps their heads toward me in confusion while I smile at Kayla.
She winks, and I stand to help my father up, his eyes glistening. When they realize who he is, everyone stands, clapping their hearts out. My father takes his standing ovation with a grin pulling on the corners of his mouth before I gently sit him down again and the room settles.
“Oh, you didn’t think I was talking about Bodi McKay, did you?” Kayla feigns shock, resulting in another laugh from the group of people. “But you’re right. I guess he deserves his two minutes of fame. Please, give a warm welcome to the founder of the Ava McKay Foundation, Bodi McKay!”
Chuckling, I get up, buttoning up my tux as I make my way to the stage. When I walk up the steps, I narrow my eyes at Kayla, pursing my lips to hide my smile. She steps back and I get behind the microphone.
“Thank you, Kayla. Can I get an applause for the lovely lady who made this all happen?” Loud claps echo through the room, and I wait until it’s simmered down. “Thank you all for being here tonight. When my father and I started this foundation in honor of my late mother, our dream was to one day hold a charity ball that would be the biggest event in the city. I think we succeeded.” The crowd cheers. “I can’t tell you how much this means to us. With the help of a great team, we’ve built a foundation that now has three affordable rehab centers in three different states and a next one ready to be built. My chairman, George Davis, will tell you more about these in a minute. But before he does, I wanted to officially open the silent auction. If you step onto the patio, you will see various objects that are kindly donated by people and companies all over the city. Including one from myself. Feel free to spend as much money as you can miss and please keep in mind that whatever amount we’ll raise tonight, I will double it out of my own pocket.”
Kayla gasps beside me.
“Now, please give a warm welcome to George Davis.” George gets up, eagerly taking the stage with big strides while I grab Kayla’s elbow to direct us back to our table. It’s tempting to drag her to a corner, and kiss her senselessly, but I remind myself she’s my father’s date so I lead her back to our table instead.
My urges will have to wait until we get home.
“You’re going to double it?” she hisses in awe.
“I am.”
“Bodi,” she whines, puppy eyes in place. “You are amazing.”
I laugh, and we both sit down to listen to the speech George is about to let loose.
My arm slips around her waist, and I press my lips to her temple. My PDA is something I need to rein in, but it’s becoming more of a challenge every day.
“Youare amazing, baby. This event? You nailed it.”