Page 82 of Forbidden You

“He doesn’t listen to a word I say.”

“Who?” Bodi steps out, walking toward my desk before giving Agnes a short glance.

“You,” I tell him honestly before putting my focus back on my screen. “I thought you had a meeting.”

“I do. Now, what are you talking about? I listen to you.”

I turn my head while he sits down on the corner of my desk. “Hardly.”

“I listened to all your ideas for the charity ball.” He lowers his voice so I’m the only one who can hear. “I listened when you told me you wanted those nasty burgers last week. I was definitely listening when I ate your pussy until you had tears streaming down your pretty cheeks last night.”

Twisting my chair a bit, I lean back, giving him a mocking smile, then whisper: “Yet you don’t listen when I ask you to kiss me senseless during lunch.”

He closes his eyes, his neck growing flush for just a second.

“You need to stop doing that,” he hisses with lust-filled eyes, his gaze shortly moving to Agnes, who still has her attention fixed on her screen. “Not at the office.”

“You mean not during office hours?” I wink, licking my lips, my cheeks flushing with heat when I think about the New Years party, while his smirk turns into a scolding frown. “You started it!”

“I’m teasing you!” He hisses. “You’re straight up torturing me by suggesting things you shouldn’t.”

“I know,” I huff, laughing. “But you make it so much fun.”

With a crazed look, he drops from my desk, then slams his palms onto my armrests before pulling me closer while I let out a startled shriek. I gawk up at him as he hovers above my face, his lips only a few inches away. The smell of his coco wax graces my nose, intoxicating me while my eyes stay locked with his green ones that are looking like a clear water lake.

“Two can play this game, babe.” My pulse drums in my neck, my lady parts burning from heat as he continues. “You’ve been messing with me for a week, poking me whenever you can as soon as we get to work. If you are going to keep torturing me, I’m going to retaliate.” He brings his face closer and for a brief second, I stop breathing, thinking he’s going to kiss me right then and there. But he moves past my cheek, his lips becoming flush with my ear, and I can feel a flutter going through my stomach. “And I won’t betalkingwhen I do.”

He moves a bit back, locking his intense gaze with mine once more. The world around us stops spinning, a thick veil of tension and chemistry falling around us, making it seem like we’re the only people around.

Goosebumps shower my skin, and my lips automatically part as he keeps staring at me with those craving eyes. We stay like that for God knows how long, creating a bubble I’m afraid to burst.

“Can’t wait,” I whisper before Agnes clears her throat in the distance, and we both look up in her direction. Rachel is standing in front of my desk with a slight frown, suspicion etched in her features.

Oh, shit.

As if no fucks are given, Bodi puts on a poker face, straightening his body.

“Rachel,” he says in greeting. “Can I help you?”

“Are you ready for that meeting?” She holds up a notebook.

“Yeah, if you can make sure everyone is present, I’ll be right there.”

Rachel nods, then slogs from my desk with narrowed eyes toward the hall that leads to the conference room. When she’s out of sight, Bodi gives me a smirk that would knock me off my socks if I wasn’t sitting down.

Fuck, did we just blow our cover? My heart gallops in my chest, my eyes wide, because what the fuck will we say if she’s going to talk? Speculate? Gossip? I usually eat lunch at my desk, because Agnes can’t leave the phone, and I like spending time with the woman. But I’ve heard the way the rest of the women at KPI talk when they are taking coffee breaks. It’s very…girly.

But when I glance up at the big boss, he doesn’t seem worried. Not even a little.

“You wanna play games? Game on, babe.” He winks, then gets up. “Come on, let’s go.”

“Where are we going?” I ask, confused when he walks away.

“You’re taking notes.”

“I’m taking notes,” I parrot with my brows raised at this new task I’m getting, and I exchange a look with Agnes.

She shrugs, just giving me an amused smile while I get up, grabbing a notepad before I follow Bodi into the hallway.