Page 7 of Forbidden You

“No.” I try to fight a smile, as I blink at my new limited edition beige mid sport Jordan’s, the ones I got in the mail yesterday after paying at least one zero too much for them.

I’m a sneaker freak, what can I say?

“But even if we go there, Agnes, I don’t think there is room for a woman in my life.” I rest my hip against her desk, a smirk tugging on the corners of my mouth.

“How come?”

I shrug, then get up. “I simply don’t have room in my closet.”

She barks out a laugh as I stroll my way to my office, the sun already shining bright through the window behind my desk.

“One day, you’ll meet that one girl who will make you wanna throw them all out.”

“Don’t think so, ma’am!” I holler back, grinning, before I close the door.

A coffee is waiting for me on my desk, still steaming hot, and I swipe it from the surface.

The woman is a godsend.

I stand in front of the glass, the sun glinting over the skyline.

This is the best moment of the day, when the sun is shining, my mind is at peace and the day isn’t fucked up by anything unexpected just yet.

The view from my office is a daily reminder I’ve done pretty well for myself. Something I never take for granted and always try to remember.

Nursing the warm ceramic cup in my hand, I take a sip when my phone vibrates in the pocket of my jeans. I pull it out, reading my best friend’s name on the screen.

“What’s up, mate?” I ask.

I drop my ass on my chair, my feet propped on my desk as I keep staring at the city of Atlanta waking up.

“She’s driving me mad,” Jensen blurts, exhaust dripping from his tone.

Oh, hell no.

“Whoa, hold up, mate. It’s eight-thirty in the morning. Please don’t give me any marital problems before I had my fucking coffee.”

“Shut up,Bodi-O,” he says with the worst Aussie accent in the history of time. “I’m not even married.”

“Huh? That explains why I wasn’t invited to the wedding.”

“And you won’t be if you keep acting like a dick.”

“Fine,” I chuckle against my mug, then let a sip of the warm liquid settle on my tongue. “Why is Rae driving you crazy?”

“Not Rae!” he hisses through the phone, as if he has to be careful with his words. “Kayla!”

“Kayla?” My mind quickly wanders off to the brunette in question. “What about her?”

The sassy nineteen-year-old who reminds me of a forbidden fruit. Lurking at me with her big blue eyes but is oh-so off limits. I don’t regret hooking up with her at Rae’s birthday last summer, and I could barely resist the temptation on Thanksgiving. But the second she mentioned her friends at Stanford, I was brutally reminded she’s definitely too young for me. It’s a fucking shame because she’s fun, quirky, and motherfucking hot as sin.

“She’s everywhere, man,” Jensen whines. “I mean, I love the girl. She’s family and all, but I’m used to being able to get Rae naked wherever I want. AndwheneverI want.”

I think I just threw up in my mouth. “Fucking hell, mate. Too much fucking detail. Is she there for the week?”

Because if he wants me to come over for a couple days and keep her occupied, I’m not against it. It would be a welcoming break from worrying about my dad every fucking night.

“No,” he scoffs. “She’s been staying here for the lasttwoweeks.”