Like he trusts me.
“It’s okay, Dad. I’m here,” he repeats.
Unexpectedly, one of his hands falls over mine and when his gaze moves up to me, I offer him a comforting smile that is matched by one of his own. His father notices my presence, and when he looks up, he wipes his nose with the back of his hand before a grin splits his tear-stained cheeks.
“You brought her again.”
“Yeah, Dad.”
“She’s pretty.”
“You already told her,” Bodi titters, and I let out a chuckle.
As if his grief melts in front of our eyes like snow in the sun, he lifts his chin and gives his son a reprimanding look. “A girl like that? You need to tell her she’s pretty every single day or they’ll find someone who will.”
Now that’s a wise man!
Jokingly, I slap Bodi’s shoulder. “Listen to your father.”
Bodi narrows his eyes at me with a ghost of a smile before he turns his head back to his dad.
“Don’t worry, Dad. I already told her how gorgeous she looks tonight.”
His dad’s eyes move up to mine, asking for confirmation, and I nod with a beaming smile on my face.
“It’s true.”
“Good boy,” he praises.
We all laugh, including the staff, before Bodi turns serious again.
“You okay now, Dad?”
There is still a lot of sadness in his eyes, but he plasters a smile on, probably for the sake of his son. “No, but I will be.”
“I’m going to talk to the doctor real quick, okay?” Bodi gets up and his green eyes trail to mine.
“Can she stay with me?” his dad asks, making me purse my lips in amusement.
“You want her to stay with you?” That same amusement is shown on Bodi’s lips, and when his dad nods in agreement, he lets out a short laugh. “Sure, she can stay here.”
Bodi’s hand moves up to cup my cheek, and my lips part from his touch.
“Are you okay with that?” It’s unexpected, making my heart swell, and I look into his forest eyes that show me nothing more than affection. I’m used to his craving and hungry looks, but the expression he’s giving me now means even more to me.
I drag my teeth over my lip, the scorching feeling of his touch making it hard to focus.
“Of course,” I finally push out while Bodi keeps his gaze on mine. “Go. I’ll entertain your dad.”
A trace of a smile graces his lips as his thumb strokes my cheek once more before he lets go. “Don’t give him a heart attack like you do me.”
“No promises,” I quip, and his hand slides to the back of my hand, the warmth closing my eyes as I revel in his touch before the heat of his lips on my forehead snap them open again.
“Of course not,” he smiles. “I’ll be right back.” Bodi and the rest of the staff leave the room, and I take a seat on the chair near Mr. McKay.
“Forgive me, darling,” he offers. “I forgot your name.”
“That’s okay. It’s Kayla.”