Sunlight peeked through the sheer curtains across my face.
I sat straight up. How…When did I go to bed? I clutched my eyes shut, squeezing my head.
Stay with me popped in my head. “Shit!” I said aloud.
I needed to wait a moment before I faced him. Tossing my feet over the side of the bed, I padded toward the bathroom. Maple bacon dangled under my nose.
“Breakfast will be ready in ten minutes,” he shouted.
I placed my hand against my forehead. “Good morning, I’ll be right there.”
After shedding my clothes, I hopped in the shower. The hot water thudded my skin. Cabin life wasn’t all bad. Thank god for hot running water.
“Good morning, again,” I smiled, pulling my wavy locks into a low ponytail.
He stood, at the counter, sipping a piping hot mug of coffee.
“Good morning, have a seat.”
“Did you sleep at all?”
“Aiden, you need to take a nap.” I bit into a strip of bacon.
“I will. Right after I teach you how to shoot a gun. You’ll stand watch while I catch a few Z’s.”
“Sounds fun.” I gulped down the OJ.
He dropped his head. “It’s not fun, Nadia.”
I waved off his statement. “May I have a cup of coffee?”
“Absolutely, would you like a second helping?”
“Sure. Do you mind?” My fork hovered over the eggs and bacon.
“Help yourself.” His eyes widened. “You can pack it away to be a petite woman.”
“I eat breakfast burritos almost every morning.”
He placed his hand up. “I’ve heard enough.”
I laughed.
“Aiden, I’m sure you can pack it away.”
“Of course. But look at me.” He gestured.
“What I only see that thick neck.” I chuckled.
He exhaled then glided his T-shirt over his head.
My mouth dropped open. I imagined he peeled off his shirt in slow motion. My eyes marveled over every one of his eight pack of abs and those gorgeous tanned pecs. I had a better view of the American flag tattooed on his chest. A purple heart hung on the flag. The biceps on that man were salivating.