I remain quiet, watching this girl I’ve never taken much notice of before, and realize just how cracked and broken she is. She’s good at putting on a front and trying to convince people she’s the strong, bitchy type, but the façade is slowly cracking, and Jamie has a lot to do with it.
“I also hate how the school has painted me as a loser and are treating me like a game. I’m more than a stupid bet to be won. I’m not losing this time. I’m going to win, and I’ll win with you.”
A smile breaks across my face. “Oh, Boo. I can give you that. You know I always play to win.” I hold out my bloodied hand wrapped in athletic tape. “You in?” She studies my hand, then shakes it firmly without another thought.
Voices start to echo down the tunnel. Team celebrations must have finished, and they’re heading to the locker room. “You sure you want to do this?” I lean in, asking on a whisper.
Honey nods. “I’ve never wanted anything more in my life.”
“Well, then, let’s start sowing the seeds.” I cup her slightly chubby cheeks in my hands and lean in until her back is flush against the concrete wall.
Her lips part as she grips my wrists, bracing herself for what I have in store. When I hear the footfalls, I do it. I plant my mouth on hers, kissing her full lips hard, holding myself in place.
Her body stiffens, and she lets out a slightly disgruntled groan. I should have warned her, and I’m sure she’ll yell at me later, but we didn’t have time.
The voices become clear, and her stiffened body softens, her fingernails stop pressing into my skin, and her head tilts, giving me a little more access to deepen the kiss. I don’t, though. I keep my composure because I can’t risk her trying to kick me in the balls as the team walks past. That would probably give the game away.
Still caressing her cheek with my thumb, I hold back smiling into the kiss when I hear the slowing pace of the football team.
“Busted.” Scott whistles. Other players scoff and jeer, probably surprised to find me in a clinch, let alone with the hottest and richest girl in the school.
I drop my hips, forcing the padding I’m wearing to relax against Honey’s body to give them a little show. Her body feels soft against my palms, and she releases a little whimper against my mouth. Swallowing it up, I trace her lips with mine, coaxing her chin to tilt up and give me better access.
After the first set of teammates walks past, I pull away enough to whisper against her lips, “Just go with it, Boo.” Then I capture her mouth once more; her strawberry gloss tickles my tastebuds, and I kind of want more of it. I don’t make a habit of kissing girls I haven’t taken out on a date first, but something about kissing Honey in front of all these assholes is giving me a burning feeling in my stomach. It’s like we’re doing something naughty and wicked.
Honey grapples my jersey, trying to pull at the fabric, but it’s too stretched by the padding underneath. “Call me boo one more time, and I’ll bite your balls off,” she says, gently biting down on my bottom lip.
“Noted,” I husk out before kissing her again.
“What the …?”
A low, drawn-out whistle skitters in the air. “Jamie, it looks like your ex is making a point,” Brett says, and the corner of my lips pull into a grin. The words incite Honey, and she jerks me closer, pushing our hips together, and her lips meld against mine.
“Whatever.” Jamie’s annoyed response is quiet, but his footsteps are fast as he walks past us.
When the football players have disappeared and all I can hear is the squelching of our kiss, I pull away with a stupid grin sprawled across my face. I can’t believe we’re doing this,and Honey agreed to it. By the end of the semester, I will be thousands of dollars richer, and my family will be in a little less trouble.
“Next time, would you mind giving me a warning before you eat my face off,” Honey mumbles, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand. I sputter out a laugh because that’s not the usual response I get after rocking a girl’s world, but hey, I’ve never dated rich, so I don’t know how they react.
“Sure thing, Sunshine.” She raises an arrogant brow, and I shrug. “If you won’t let me call you Boo, I need to find a nickname that sticks.”
Honey’s palms widen over my shoulder pads as she tilts her head and her face gets closer to mine again. “Or you could just call me Honey like everyone else. It’s already my nickname, after all.”
I purse my lips, trying to hide my amusement. “Nah, Honey is too generic, and besides, Jamie used it.” I squeeze her hips for emphasis. “If you were really my girl, we’d have our own unique thing. I’ll work on it.” My eyes track down to the bright-green fabric covering her chest. “We also need to get you a new jersey. My girl wouldn’t be walking around with a mediocre, second-string player’s jersey on. She’d be wearing mine.”
“Whatever.” She shakes her head, pushing me away so she can rummage through her Chanel bag. I know it’s Chanel because it looks like the fake one Tiffany bought at the mall last year. She clutches that thing like it’s the key to Ella’s happiness. I’m looking forward to the day I can buy her a real one. She deserves it.
Honey pulls out a small brown envelope and shoves it against my chest. “Here’s the ten grand. Let’s win this bet,” she says with a wry smile on her face.
I smile back, clutching the envelope as though my life depends on it. It kind of does. “Sure thing, Chicken Wing.”
Grunting, she pushes off the concrete wall. “Put Chicken Wing in the same category as Boo. Meet me outside at the bleachers on Monday during lunch to talk this through.” She saunters off, strutting with more confidence than I’ve seen from her for at least the last month.
“Wait. I need your number.” Honey flicks her butterscotch hair over her shoulder and smirks.
“Ask Mike. He’ll give it to you.” She turns around, walking away, leaving me with a wad of cash and a dumbfounded smile. I can’t believe she’s agreed to do this. Maybe things are looking up for the Evans family.
I spin on my heel with a little extra swag in my step because I never thought this would go to plan. As I head to my locker, I’m met with a deafening silence and shocked stares from the rest of the team. Not the usual reception I get when we’ve just won, but I know why. I’ve ruined their little bet.