He flashes his phone in my face, but I’m too angry to read the message. How dare he talk about Honey like this?

“Don’t need a text to remind me what I’m supposed to do. She comes every time she sees me.” The room falls silent, surprised at my retort. Screw it. I’m going to keep going. “It’s strange how you always think Honey was begging you for sex. Have you ever thought that maybe your dime-rolled dick wasn’t enough to satisfy her, and that’s why she kept asking? A wad of cash in the bank doesn’t make up for the lack of wad in your pants when you’re with a girl like Honey.” I raise a brow, watching his smile falter when I call his bluff.

The team laughs, and I’m glad I’m here to watch the king become the joker. Jamie glares, and I know I’ve set something off, but I’m enjoying watching him falter.

“If you’re that sure of yourself, Charity Case, why not prove it? Let’s raise the stakes.”

“What’s in it for me? I’ve already pretty much got fifty grand in my pocket from the rest of you.”

“Yeah, I’m not willing to put more money in either,” Brett adds. “Honey’s made it very clear that I’m not in the running.”

Jamie turns his attention to Brett. “What if you had until prom to get her? By that point, she’ll be over sucking Zach’s cheap dick and want something with a little more coin in his wallet. This time, it’s all about the Hail Mary. Who’s going to swoop in and take the victory from Chump Change over here.”

A wicked smile grows on Brett’s dumbass face. I can tell you right now that Jamie is not extending the bet for anyone but himself. “Another ten k each.” Ten thousand? There’s no way I can get Honey to loan me more money. “And because I’m feeling generous on the scholarship kid, I won’t make any of you pay it until after prom.”


“Yeah, if you’re so confident in yourself and keeping Honey, you shouldn’t have a problem with that arrangement, should you? Let me do the math for you. If you keep Honey until prom,you’ll get one hundred grand, including your twenty-grand stake back.”

“Deal.” I don’t have to think about it. One hundred grand is life-changing, even if I have to split it with Honey. It’s more than Tiff, Ella, and the rest of my family need and will see us through until I can get those sponsorship deals.

Jamie spits out a laugh. “Well, that was easier than I thought.”

“That’s what happens when you wave money in front of a poor kid,” I reply, knowing that’s exactly what they are all thinking. “A bet’s a bet, and I’m going to win.”

He takes me in with an upturned lip. Am I the first person to ever challenge him, because that’s what this whole thing feels like. “If you’re so sure of yourself, why not make this interesting?”

“What are you thinking?”

“Public sex.”

That short, simple statement makes me laugh, but when he continues to stare at me, I raise my brows. “Dude, I know you have a fetish for ensuring everyone sees your conquests, but that’s not something Honey is into.” Or me, for that matter.

“Exactly. If you have such a hold on her, prove that you can get her to do anything.”

“But public sex? Even I know that’s unrealistic. She is a Sanderson, after all,” Brett interjects, looking between the two of us in disbelief. “She has a reputation to maintain. Her father would kill her.”

Jamie ignores Brett and continues talking. “Every time you do something in public that a football player can verify, I’ll add an extra five grand to the pot myself.” Jamie holds his hand out, and that extra money intrigues me. “Do we have a deal?” He’s just throwing it at me now, and the competitor in me can’t help but accept the challenge.

“Whatever.” I roll my eyes, taking his hand and shaking it. The one hundred grand is more than enough for me. I don’t need to publicly prove anything to any of them.

“What the hell are you doing, man?” Mike grits through a smile.

“He’s proving exactly who he is,” Jamie answers for me. “A good-for-nothing hustler. The minute Honey finds out, he’ll be out all his money and starting his scholarship at St. Michael’s with a reputation for pissing off the richest donors. Let’s see how long he lasts.” Jamie runs his tongue across his teeth, watching me with a wicked glint in his eyes.

“Don’t worry, Jamie. I’m more than certain I can keep Honey occupied until prom, considering you kept her by your side for over five years without so much as an orgasm.” Jamie gulps, then does something unexpected. He pushes me hard onto the bench, his face clouded with rage. Funny how possessive he is over a girl he apparently doesn’t have feelings for. I guess if he can’t have her, then no one else can either.

“Dude, what the fuck was that for?” Mike challenges, pushing Jamie back and then checking me over. As if a push from that weed would hurt me.

“I’m fine, Mike.” I stand, staring back at Jamie. “Jamie just doesn’t like to share his toys and hates it even more when Honey spills his secrets. He’s just afraid I’ll break little Honey in, and then she’ll never ask for his limp dick again.” Adrenaline has taken over. I don’t believe what I’m saying, and I’d never treat a girl like this, but I want Jamie to believe it. He deserves to feel embarrassed.

He lunges for me; I don’t flinch because Mike and Brett are by his side, holding him back. “Get off me,” Jamie grits, and I pop out a short, sarcastic laugh.

“For someone who dropped Honey like she’s nothing. You’re sure acting like she’s something.” I walk around his restrainedframe, then say over my shoulder, “You know, I think all your limp fish talk about Honey was just bravado. Maybe you’ve been trying to hide the fact that Hunniford is a secret honey pot. I’ll have a ride and let you know if she’s better with a guy she actually likes instead of one she’s being forced into a relationship with.” Oh, the irony of that last statement.

“Calm down, man,” Brett says, and I hear a struggle over my shoulder but don’t bother looking. I’ve made my point. Jamie can’t affect me with his words. “Zach’s talking shit to rile you up. You’ll get in trouble if you hit him.”

“No, I won’t,” he grits out. “My name is on the damn stadium. If anyone is going to be suspended by the end of football season, it’s him. Then he’ll lose his scholarship and any chance of ever making money.”