Chapter Sixteen


Honey’s nails scrape down my arm, leaving tiny marks down to my wrist. Skating her fingers across my palm, she holds my hand, and I can feel her hot gaze burning the side of my face.

Sweat pools at the back of my neck, but I don’t look at her, because I’m worried she’ll see my obvious discomfort. My fingers stretch, trying to break free from her hold, but she won’t let go. Not while we’re walking down the hall and people can see.

When the hell did this happen?

Why the fuck am I having these thoughts?

Am I suffering from Stockholm Syndrome?

Questions race through my mind, but unfortunately, the answers evade me. They have ever since I stupidly went to Honey’s birthday party.

“Are you okay, Zach?” Her soft voice draws my attention to her whiskey-toned eyes. Amber with speckles of darkness stare back at me earnestly, and my chest tightens. It’s time I admit to myself that I have no idea when everything changed or why suddenly looking at Honey makes my dick twitch. Sure, I’ve always thought Honey was the hottest girl in school, but now, whenever she looks at me, I can’t help but have thoughts.Indecent thoughts that I’m sure if she found out about, she’d dump my fake ass in an instant.

Nudging my shoulder, she tries to get me to answer, but she’s pursing her lips, and all I can think about is how dark her eyes might go if those lips were wrapped around my—

“I’m good,” I answer before I can finish that thought. No one wants a boner while they’re walking down the hallway with an audience. “Just thinking about the game this week.” Yeah, I’d sound more convincing if my voice didn’t crack at the end. It’s not like I can come out and openly admit to Honey that I’m suddenly finding it hard to think about anyone but her and that most of the time she’s naked in those thoughts.

When did I become such a sap? Here I am, thinking about a girl who’s pretending to be my girlfriend for revenge and only knows my name because I approached her in the parking lot. Yet, I can’t stop my inappropriate and unreciprocated thoughts.

Honey sticks her tongue out, ready to say something but stops herself. Instead, she toys with the necklace I gave her. The sound of the pendant sliding across the chain feels almost deafening in the context. I can tell she loves it, but I don’t know why. It cost me my last fifty bucks, but what’s expensive jewelry for me is junk for her, yet she proudly wears it like it cost more than the solid gold Tiffany necklace Jamie got her last year.

A little hum of disbelief leaves her mouth, and I glance around the hallway. No one is giving us a second glance, but why would they? We’ve been doing this long enough to look like the perfect couple. So in love, it’s sickening. They all saw me with her red lipstick smeared across my face. They all knew exactly what we were doing in that hallway together.

Now, if onlyIcould figure out what we were doing, then we’d be good.

She kissed me on what felt like an impulse, but I can’t be too sure. When Olivia opened the door, students could see us, andall I could think was that Honey had planned it. She did it to be caught in the lurid act of making out with the scholarship kid. Meanwhile, I was about to dip my hand under her skirt. Thank God Olivia stopped us when she did.

“Areyouokay?” I’m sure she doesn’t hear the implication in my voice. Today is the closest I’ve gotten to wanting to ask her about that kiss, but two things are stopping me.

The first thing being that if she did only do it for show and I ask about it, it would look like I’m harboring underlying feelings for my fake girlfriend.

The second and most important one being that I’m concerned I’m harboring underlying feelings for my fake girlfriend. Yup, it’s a thought I’ve been trying to get a grip on for the last couple of days, but I can’t deny it.

Honey is hot, and touching her has made me think about her a little differently, even though I know it’s all kinds of wrong.

“I’m good,” she singsongs with a small, pliant smile stretched across her face. Shit. I wish she’d stop smiling at me like that. The dimple in her cheek taunts me with its presence. Why does it have to look so cute? Why do I want to bite it? Why does everything she does suddenly make me think things I shouldn’t?

Stupid kiss. Stupidpretendkiss.

A pretend kiss that went way too far, but she seemed more than a willing participant. Hell,shepushed me against the wall and lifted her leg up to grant me easier access. It’s not my fault my hand had a mind of its own and started trailing up her smooth thigh.

I try to shut off these thoughts and remind myself she’s only hanging out with me because she wants to tick off her ex. She’s not interested in screwing, let alone dating me.

Then I divert my attention to the floor because an extra pile of guilt settles in my stomach when I see Olivia walking down the hall. The girl who caught us. The one who stopped everythingbefore it all went too far. I don’t know whether I should be angry or thankful, but either way, I now feel awkward looking at my best friend’s girlfriend. Speaking of, she’s no doubt told Mike too, so I’m guessing he’ll beat my ass soon. Thankfully, I’ve kept my home life private; otherwise, I’d be in some serious shit there too.

“Look who it is.” Honey elbows me, crinkling her nose, and that’s when I know I’m a goner. She’s so fucking cute. She dips her head, and I notice Jamie staring at us from across the hall. Dude really thought I wouldn’t show up to Honey’s party after he essentially dared me to. He cornered me after practice one day and said I was too chicken shit to meet Honey’s parents. He wanted me to fail, but unfortunately for him, I know how to make a good impression.

“Kiss me,” she mumbles. “I want to remind Jamie exactly who I belong to.” There’s a challenge in her voice, and I like it. Besides, who am I to say no to kissing her when it’s all I want to do?

Honey squeals when I grasp her hips and back her into the lockers. Holding onto her elbows, her hands cling to my shirt as I drop my forehead to hers. There’s a moment, an unspoken silence when we’re close enough that our noses are touching and our breaths are mingling. Nothing is said, but the quiet question is there, checking that this is what she really wants.

She tips her chin, and her lips graze mine. Feeling the soft, pliable skin of her lips is enough, and I don’t hold back. I start where we left off, kissing her hard and passionately, the way I’ve been thinking about since Saturday. Her lips curve into a smile as she opens up, sliding her tongue into my mouth and teasing me relentlessly. I must be a sadist, because I’m torturing myself with how much I’m letting her get away with. Her hands brace my arms, and she pulls me in for more. I greedily accept, letting the feeling of her body against mine take over my senses.

“Umm, excuse me, but you’re on my locker,” a meek voice squeaks out. I only hear it because it reminds me of Tiff. Parting from Honey, she gazes at me with glazed-over eyes and plump lips. If claiming her was the plan, I did that, but I’m not exactly thrilled about it when the reality of Tiff and Ella starts to sink in.