All I can do is moan and buck my hips, hoping that the movement alone will be enough to release the tension building between my thighs.

I’m wet.

The kind of wet you get when you’re hungry for the guy you’re kissing, and you want to feel him in every part of you. I didn’tthink I could want him more when I kissed him in the car, but that was only a flutter of emotion compared to this.

He feels it too. I know it. Because his fingers are curling and uncurling the hem of my skirt, teasing me while he contemplates his next move. He wants to go under, and I want him to do it too. But will he?

I smile into the kiss, enjoying the thrill of not knowing his next move. Jamie was so mechanical with his touch that I’d get bored. Zach is unknown and wild, and I like it.

Then he does it. He swallows my gasp as his hand tucks under my skirt and trails up my thigh.

This is really happening. He’s touching me the way I’ve been daydreaming about, the way I’ve wanted him to since we first kissed.

My legs kick forward in anticipation of his touch going higher, and I can’t stop thinking about how it will feel when his fingers play against my burning center.

“Oh, umm.” Olivia’s voice breaks through the haughty haze, and I push Zach away, my body immediately missing his touch. His face is covered in my lipstick, and his hair a sexy mess, but I focus on Olivia, who is staring at us sheepishly. “Sorry for interrupting.” Too embarrassed to look at Olivia, I focus on the creases of my skirt. “But the caterers wanted to do the birthday cake.”

Flashing wide eyes, I bite my bottom lip. I can’t believe I was making out with Zach so brazenly in the hallway. Hot, aching passion still thrums through my veins, and my lips throb from the touch.

My center aches, and I wonder as I look at Zach, who seems just as flustered, what would have happened if Olivia hadn’t walked in. We were touching in ways I’ve only imagined. His hand was up my skirt, and I bucked my hips, wanting more. I wanted it to end with me screaming his name.

Olivia’s smile is tight and she’s staring at me like she’s trying to convey a message ofWhat the fuck?!without actually saying it. I don’t let any emotion show on my face since I don’t know what to think, and I pat down my dress. Little crinkles dance across my skirt’s hem, reminding me of our intentions.

I laugh nervously and turn to Zach, who’s still trying his best to rub my lipstick off his face, but only making it worse.

“I’ll be right out.” My voice is rough and ragged as I scoot back to Zach and help him with the smudged makeup. He takes my assistance willingly, letting my thumb rub across his stone-cut jaw and feel the slightly rough edges of his cheeks from his not-so-close shave.

Without another word, Olivia shuffles back to the party, leaving the large oak doors open for the rest of the guests to see.

Ignoring the glances I’m certain we’re getting, I concentrate on cleaning Zach’s face. His smile grows wide, and he grasps my elbows, getting me to look at him. “Are you okay?”

What a question to ask. Am I okay? I was caught making out with my fake boyfriend with no audience, and I liked it. Maybe it’s my hormones or the fact that the last guy who touched me was Jamie with his less than coordinated fingers, but I wasn’t going to stop Zach.

I nod, staring into his glassy, half-drunk eyes as he leans against the wall, pulling me with him. His shirt is as crumpled as my dress, and he looks as satisfied as I feel. “I’m good, but you’ll need to freshen up before we go back to the party.”

After I’ve cleaned his face, I pull on his shirt, trying to calm the creases. Laughing, he wraps his hands around my wrist, tickling his fingers up my palm before interlinking our hands.

His head dips, our noses are aligned, and we are so close to kissing again, I gulp. “Happy Birthday, Princess Peach,” he whispers, and I close my eyes, waiting for his lips to touch mine.

But they don’t.

We hover in this little game for longer than I’d like to admit. The tension sits between us like a thick fog. I can feel it tingling against my lips, and it’s as real as Zach’s minty breath fanning across my face.

The longer we stand here, the more I realize he won’t do it, and I’m not about to push myself on him again.

Taking a stilted step back, I offer Zach a coy smile. “Thanks.” I tilt my head toward the door. “We should probably head back out there.”

“Whatever you want, Shortstack.” He takes my hand and leads me to the party. Music blares throughout the room, but all I can hear is the beating of my fevered heart. When Zach glances over his shoulder and winks at me, I all but melt. He squeezes my hand, and my body explodes. That action alone tells me everything. He enjoyed that kiss as much as I did.

I can feel Jamie watching me; his eyes track my every step as Zach leads me to the kitchen. Licking my lips, I stare right back, daring him to make a move against me. Jamie lifts the glass in his hands, tipping it in my direction with a smirk wide across his face.

“Don’t let him think he’s gotten to you.” Zach’s whispered words float through the air, and he squeezes my hand a little tighter.

“I won’t. I’ve got plenty of things to enjoy without worrying about him.”

Zach leans forward, offering his hand on a bow. “Good. Then once you’ve blown these candles out, let’s forget about everyone else and dance the night away.”

Too giddy to hide my happiness, I take his hand and follow his lead.