“Dates?” My mind springs to Zach and the conversation we had a few days ago in the parking lot.

“Yeah, you know… It’s when you meet a guy you like and he asks to take you out, you say yes, and you go on some epic dinner date with a kiss at the end. There are plenty of guys that want to date you.”

“For the notoriety, maybe.”

“Nah. Mike mentioned that Brett, Kyle, and a couple of other guys were asking about you.”

“Brett and Kyle? As in the football team?” She nods, thinking she’s piqued my interest, but I can only think about the bet. Was Zach telling the truth? By the time I’d driven to my house, I’d convinced myself he was trying to con me out of ten grand, but now I’m not so sure. Jamie loves to play games, so the premise is believable, but I can’t imagine Brett and Kyle selling me out like that.

Narrowing my eyes at Olivia, I watch for the faintest of tics across her face to see if she’s holding anything back. All I get is an overeager smile and a creased forehead. She knows nothing, but does Mike? I’ve seen him since but didn’t bother following up like Zach suggested. However, now that I’m here, looking like a stalker ex-girlfriend desperately trying to get her lover back, I kind of wish I had.

Turning on my heel, I walk with purpose to the bonfire, not wanting to elaborate until I’ve spoken to Mike. “Where’s Mike? I need to ask him something.”

“He’ll be here soon; until then, let’s go and get a drink. You need to loosen up a little.” When Olivia links her arm with mine, I let her pull me to the back of the field where the band is playing and the cheerleaders toss each other in the air.

Clutching onto the denim fabric of my jacket, I feel more empowered than before, looking at the swath of students ahead. Tonight won’t be that bad. No one will notice me, and if I keep my jacket firmly in place, I should be able to hide Jamie’s jersey underneath.

All I need to do now is speak to Mike and find out if Zach was telling the truth. Then I’ll have a decision to make.

I’ve reached a new low. A low I didn’t think was possible after the whole cheating fiasco, but it’s happened, and I only have myself to blame. My fingers tap against the two plastic cups I’m holding while I stand next to my best friend pretending I haven’t noticed that she’s essentially dry humping the living daylights out of her boyfriend. I thought they were going in for a quick peck hello, but I was wrong. So, so wrong, and now I’m paying for it in awkwardness.

I stare at the clear liquid swishing in my cup, desperately trying to ignore the slurping and mewls coming from a foot to the left. It’s impossible, though. They’re loud, and I’m right next to them. I get ignored when I look up and try to make eye contact with anyone. Not surprising since Jamie made me the class clown, but it still sucks.

Then my breath catches when my eyes meet with a pair of green ones staring at me from across the fire.

Zach stands there with a grin on his face. He’s got the perfect view of my pathetic ass. My best friend is ignoring me in favor of making out with her boyfriend while I’m wearing my ex’s shirt, standing on my own, and playing with two Solo cups. Embarrassment seems to be my middle name these days.

He raises an eyebrow, and with the quirk of his lip on the left side, I know he’s silently questioning my decision to ignorehim the other day. As if I’d just give the guy ten grand because he asked for it. There’s no way I’m playing that kind of money without verifying the story first. I can’t go around being the oblivious girl who guys can take advantage of for the rest of my life.

My attention is stolen when a pair of hands rest on my hips like they’re allowed to. “Honey, baby,” Brett coos into my ear, and it takes everything in me not to throw one of the cups in his face. “How have you been? I was looking for you in school today but couldn’t find you.”

What the hell have I done to deserve this attention?

Brett’s not a bad-looking guy, with intense dark hair and eyes, the girls in school love him. Me? Not so much. I’ve heard too many stories from Jamie to think anything he says is genuine, and frankly, I know where his hands have been, and I want no part of it.

Cocking a brow, I step away from his touch. “Not sure what you’re talking about. We were in math fourth period today, or don’t you remember? You did have Kim sitting on your lap, so maybe you weren’t paying attention.”

His pupils are shot, and his eyes are glazed over. How much has he drank tonight? This rally is full of chaperones, yet somehow, he’s managed to sneak in enough alcohol to get drunk. My eyes dart around the fire, searching for anyone who might tattle on Brett since I don’t want him to get in trouble. Not that he cares, he’ll probably just offer sexual favors to the faculty member who catches him. Wouldn’t be the first time.

“Oh, yeah, right, right. Hey, listen. Do you maybe want to go out on a date sometime?” He gives my hip a little squeeze and smirks. How I wish I could give his face a little punch in retaliation.

Placing my hand over his, I peel his fingers off, tossing them to his side. “I don’t think that’s a good idea. After all, I used to dateJamie, and you’re his teammate. Isn’t that like breaking some kind of bro code or something?”

Brett bites his bottom lip, lifting the edges into a smile. “Oh yeah, I already talked to Jamie, and he gave me his blessing.” He stares down at me with a hooded gaze, one I think is supposed to be sexy but just makes him look drunker than I believe he is.

My eyebrows shoot up as his hands move up my sides. “Did he?” Brett nods, and I raise my hand to his chest as he comes closer. As I step toward him, I bring my mouth to his ear. “Well, you can tell Jamie that he has no right to give anyone his blessing. I’m not his property. Now, it would be great if you could do me the courtesy of letting me enjoy myself.” I shoulder past him, spilling Olivia’s Solo cup in the process.

“Honey, wait,” he says, grabbing at me, but I slip away. “I know you’re hurting with everything that happened with Jamie, but this isn’t done between us.” He sounds determined, but it makes me wonder how much of tonight he’ll remember. I flick my gaze to Olivia, who’s still making out with Mike and is oblivious to my current predicament. If only Mike was concentrating on something other than my friend’s tongue, then I’d be able to ask him about the bet and go home.

Brett still lurks beside me, which I can only assume is because he’s expecting me to suddenly change my mind.

Screw it.

I’ll ask Mike some other time.

“Bye, Brett,” I coo, spinning on my heel and walking away. I stalk toward my car, done with this night, then a wide chest blocks my way. Taking my time, I tip my chin up to see Kyle standing there with a smug smile that could rival Brett’s.

“Where are you going in such a rush, Honey Pot?”