When she saw Dash standing by the drinks, desperate and brooding, she sauntered over to him and said something that convinced him to move. Albeit, slowly and still somewhat reluctantly.
My heart spiked, and I stood, immediately spurring into action.
“What are you doing?” Tiff asked, making no effort to move herself.
“I'm going to play a little game.” What I couldn't admit to her was that hearing that she lost her virginity had suddenly made me feel like I needed to make a little more progress myself.
I was naïve with Henry, but not in love. No. I realized that the minute I saw Dash look at me when he punched Henry.Thatwas love. That was what I was craving. A wild depravity that only Dash knew how to deliver.
Other students made room for Dash's bulky frame in the circle, and I nearly laughed watching him attempt to sit cross-legged in such a tiny space.
“Madison. Are you joining us?” Sidney asked, patting the spot right next to her.
I couldn't help myself. I looked at Dash and saw the confusion across his face. Standing straight, I smiled smugly. “Yes. I'm ready,” I hummed out and dropped to the floor, careful to sit so my underwear wasn't showing.
I looked around the circle, surprised I didn't really know anyone but Dash, Kyle, Jessa and Sidney. The rest were just random juniors and seniors that I’d never spoken to. I should have been intimidated, but I wasn't. Being constantly dragged toCade's games meant that I was used to hanging out with people older than me, and I was pretty comfortable with that.
Sidney gently placed the bottle in the middle of the circle and assessed the people around it.
“Alright, shall we let Kyle start?” She said with a flirty edge. I couldn’t help but notice she gave him a little wink when she leaned back.
Kyle didn't seem to notice or care, he just spun the bottle and waited for it to slow. When it landed on Hayley, the smallest of smiles graced his lips. One of his friends ribbed him and he bent forward, cupping her face before kissing her fully. I swallowed down the feeling in my stomach. Was that how you were supposed to kiss? With all that tongue and spit? Even in front of all these people, there was passion. Way more than I’d ever experienced with Henry.
Crap. Why did I suddenly feel really inadequate? If that bottle landed on me, and I had to kiss one of these people, were they going to laugh at how bad I was because of my lack of experience?
Round and round the bottle spun, but for some reason, it never stopped on me. Maybe karma was playing a trick on me? Maybe I was never supposed to have a guy interested in me? Or maybe it was a cosmic force helping me because they didn’t want me embarrassing myself.
When Jessa spun the bottle and it landed on Dash, my heart nearly fell to the floor. Dash was about to kiss another girl in front of me and I had to smile about it because we weren’t dating. Not that there was ever a chance for that, but I wished I’d assessed the situation before sitting down.
Dash looked around the circle, and his eyes slowed when they got to me. I masked my hurt with a grin that could rival any beauty pageant. I was going to be happy. This was a newMadison. I would never cry over another boy, especially one that had no idea I was crushing on him.
Dash looked at Jessa, and if he was trying to be subtle, it wasn’t working. His frown was evident from here, but since that seemed to be a staple for his face, Jessa wasn't put off by it. She just got on her hands and knees and crawled over to him. I thought she was trying to be sexy, but with the upbeat music in the background, it just looked weird.
“Are you ready for me?” She purred.
I wanted to vomit. This wasn't something I needed to see.
Dash leaned back the closer she got, and it wasn't until his back was against the sofa that he gave into her kissing him. His eyes widened when she rested her hand on his cheek, and she dipped her chin, looking to deepen the kiss. Dash batted her off pretty quickly, which was the only saving grace of the night. Imagine if he'd have liked it, and I had to watch that.
A shiver ran up my spine because this little crush I’d suddenly developed on Dash was getting out of hand. He’d been around me for years and I’d always thought he was cute, but I never thought about him like this. Now, I couldn’t stop.
His smile. His eyes. His constantly furrowed brow. It all did it for me.
I wanted him so badly it hurt.
“It’s your turn, Dash,” some girl said, and I couldn't help but notice Dash's gaze flick to me again for a nano second. There was an emotion behind his eyes that I couldn't decipher because he looked away too quickly. I wanted to say it was shame, but that could have been me projecting, desperately hoping he liked me the way I liked him even after he brushed me off earlier.
Dash spun the bottle with little enthusiasm, and I watched it with more eagerness than a child waiting to open their first present on Christmas day.
Please be me. Please be me. Please be me.
I really hoped I wasn't thinking that so loudly that people could hear it. My eyes didn't stop watching the glass bottle because I desperately wanted to kiss Dash and convince him that we were meant for each other. A childish dream, some might say, but I felt something, I just didn’t know how to describe it. If only he’d take the first step. Then, maybe we’d have a chance.
When the bottle stopped directly between Sydney and me, I couldn't speak. Had I nearly manifested my wants into existence?
“It's split,” Kyle stated the obvious. “What are we supposed to do now?”
“Well,” Sydney drawled out. “It means the person who spun the bottle gets to decide who he wants to kiss. Me or Madison.” She pointed at me with a little distaste in her voice, but I ignored it. Mainly because I couldn’t move. Too worried that I might pee myself with excitement. Was Tiff watching this? I could only hope she had her phone out so she could record my first kiss with Dash, and we could replay this at our wedding in years to come.