“Dash, stop.” Amy was clutching at my arm, doing her best to pry me away while Madison watched from my other side. She wasn’t trying to stop me, so I took her lead and punched him one more time, just in case he didn’t get the message with my first blow.

I was almost certain I’d broken his nose, but he could sue me and throw me in jail for all I cared. As long as I’d never have to see Madison cry again, then I’d be happy.

Shit.I probably needed to speak to someone about my obsession.

“Back up!” The principal yelled, and the crowd immediately dissipated. Madison and Amy didn't leave, though. In my haze, I almost couldn't tell them apart, they looked so much alike.

“Break it up, boys.”

Principal Hader grabbed my shoulder, and he pulled me back, away from Henry. When he realized it was me, he stifled a cough.

“Daniel? What on earth are you doing?”

I wiped the blood off my face and didn't answer. Saying I was defending Madison’s honor would not only confirm to everyone in the hallway that I was a simp for her, but it might freak her the fuck out.

Madison was just watching from behind the principal with awe. I hung my head in shame because I knew I shouldn't have acted like that. My mom wouldn't have liked it, but then again, she also wouldn't have liked to see a girl crying over an idiot like Henry.

“My office. Now.” He pointed straight down the hallway, and the students parted like the Red Sea. I took a deep breath, ready to take my punishment because what was the worst they could do? I was graduating in two weeks. I’d passed all my classes; and had been accepted to Covey U. They could take everything they wanted away but nothing mattered more to me than making Madison feel better.

By the time Principal Hader was done lecturing me, school was out, and I was officially barred from my graduation ceremony since that was the only form of punishment he could really give me. Like I cared. It wasn’t like my dad was going to be able to get the time off work, anyway. Besides, high school didn’t matter nearly as much as getting a good spot in the draft next month.

Walking out of the school, it was funny knowing this would probably be the last time since I was also banned from my final classes. Again, fine by me. We were only watching movies to bypass the time, anyway.

Would I miss this place?

Nope. My best friend was coming to college with me. We’d already applied to share a dorm. I had pretty much everything I needed from this place, so maybe it was time to go.

The only thing I’d miss…well, that wasn’t someone I was willing to think about much, because if I did that would be entertaining the idea that something might actually happen between us, even though I knew that wasn’t possible.

“Hey, Man,” Cade hollered as I walked into the parking lot. He was leaning against his old truck, waving at me. Since I had no other form of transportation, I waltzed over to him and took his hand in a bro hug.

“What are you still doing here?”

“I’m your ride, so I figured I’d wait for you. It’s the least I could do after you rearranged the guy’s face that upset my little sister.”

“So, they were dating?”

Cade sucked in a breath and looked away. “Honestly, I’m not sure, but Tiff said Henry was an asshole and strung Madison along for a few months.”

Why was I getting the urge to punch that idiot again?

“But Madison’s good. She’ll survive.” He waved off any further questions on the topic.

“You sound awfully calm for a guy whose sister dated his teammate.”

“I’m calm because the way you punched Henry’s nose told every guy in this school what they needed to know. No one’s going to go near her now.”

“If they do, I’ll happily give them the Henry Newman treatment.”

“Have you spoken to Amy? I saw her eating up the drama when you left.”

“Nope, and once I turn my phone on, her number’s getting blocked.

“So cold, Dash, but I get it. You guys weren’t exactly the example of high school sweethearts before this debacle.” I cringed at the mere thought of being called a ‘sweetheart,’ because I didn’t like people thinking I’d gone soft.

Cade tipped his chin back to the school. “How’d it go in there?”

“As expected, No more school or graduation walk.”