Page 22 of Pucking High School

“We’re going to need to get out of here and celebrate.”

“Not tonight, man. I’m going to head home so I can tell my dad in person.”

“Understandable, but you don’t think he’s checking?”

“He’s at work. He won’t have time, and he promised to let me tell him myself.”

“Wish I could be there to see his face. He’s going to be so happy for you. You’ve come a long way in the last eight years since I met you. I’ll never forget watching your tiny ass flailing around on your skates while those idiots pushed you around.”

“Apparently, you’re never going to let me forget it, either.”

Cade elbowed me and pointed. “Gotta make sure you remember when your loyalties lie.” I couldn’t help it, my gaze flicked to Madison, because he was right. My loyalties were with Cade. They always would be. “Still can’t believe this happened for us.”

“Neither can I.”

Cade’s dad squeezed his shoulder, drawing his attention away from me. As I stepped a little to the side, I bumped into Madison, who gave me a brief look before dropping her gaze to her purse and rifling through it.

She pulled out her phone, I couldn’t help but be intrigued. I glanced down and just so happened to have the perfect view of her phone screen. Even when she turned a little to the side for privacy, my height made it easy to see what she was doing.

She pulled up her messages, and that was when I saw her texts.

Kyle:Madison, you’re a really great girl, but I’m sorry. I think we can only be friends.

Mhm. Interesting. He listened, and I proved myself right, yet again. None of these assholes were willing to fight for her, ergo, none of them were worth her time. I couldn’t help but smile because Kyle was officially leaving Madison alone. No one was going to touch my girl.

Fuck. She wasn’t my girl. But at least she wasn’t wasting her time with an idiot like Kyle.

Madison let out the tiniest of whimpers, still staring at her phone screen. I didn’t like it because it sounded too much like she was upset again.

“What’s wrong?” I asked, brushing my arm against hers to get her attention.

She quickly turned her phone screen off and stepped to the side so she could look at me from over her shoulder. Fuck. Her big blue eyes were dark, and her teasing smile had fallen. She was upset. Over another idiot guy, and I’ve already broken my vow never to see it happen again.

Was I always going to be the one that had to stand back and watch her get her heart broken?

“Nothing.” She shook her head. “Just read a spoiler for a new show I’ve been watching.”

Lies. All lies because she clearly didn’t want to admit how she was really feeling.

Henry’s behavior has broken her, and I just made her feel worse because I forced Kyle to stop talking to her. I had mixed feelings. I didn’t want to see Madison upset, but I was also happy that Kyle wasn’t going to go anywhere near her.

“MB. Are you ready to come out and celebrate with us?” Cade asked as her parents smiled at her. I could feel her unease from here, but no one else seemed to notice.

“If you’re tired, I can always take you home?” I offered and gave Madison’s mom a small smile.

“Uh, yeah. I’m pretty tired. I think I need to go home.”

I bit back my smile because I didn’t want anyone to see this as anything other than a offer of a ride home.

“Are you sure you don’t mind dropping her off?” Their dad asked.

“Absolutely fine. Your house is on the way to the firehouse anyway. I’m guessing my dad will still be there.”

“Ever the gentleman. Thank you, Dash.” Cade’s mom pulled me into a hug. “And congratulations. We're all so proud of you,” She said as she patted me on the back.

I hugged her a little tighter than necessary because I felt her words deep in my chest. I hoped I’d made my mom proud too.

By the time I was rolling up to Madison’s house, she was fast asleep in the seat next to me. Somehow, she’d managed to curl herself into a ball and her head was resting in my direction.