Page 4 of Raven

The floor was vacuumed, the bar area mopped, and Max was setting out new trays. All that was left was the rubbish. "Takethose out, and you can call it a night," she instructed, nodding towards the bags.

"We're done here?"

"Yeah, we're done here. Grab your stuff. I'll lock up behind you."

I slung my backpack over my shoulder—a generic one with the logo of the college I attended. I wondered if the girl went there too. I couldn't recall seeing her around, but that didn't mean much. We were just two months into the new academic year. She could well be a newcomer, and with my focus split between work and studying, I hardly had time for much else.

I hoisted two rubbish bags in each hand and headed for the door, which Max held open for me. If any Humans saw her doing that, they'd spit on her. Didn't matter how convenient it was for her to help, the mere act of assisting me was a crime in their eyes.

She stepped out with me into the alleyway. "Looks like our heebie-jeebies tonight were for nothing. I'm glad to say."

I got to the bottom of the metal steps and set down the bags. I raised my head. It was dark now, not so many stars out. No real sign of the moon either, I realised. Just a light glow behind the moving clouds. "Maybe," but the feeling was still there, tugging at me. Something was off in the world and for the life of me, I couldn't put my finger on it.

It could have been those men in the bar, but the feeling would have left me. That was my thing. I felt things, felt them in a way others didn't. Even my panther was waiting for something bad to happen. Looking down the alleyway, there was nothing, just the usual gloom. "Night, Max," I said, picking up the bags and lugging them to the large industrial bins tucked behind the stairs for a fire exit.

The bins were big enough that they even came with small steps. Lots of waste from the Humans, as always. The stench thatwafted out of them, though ... "Jeez. That's disgusting." Every single time. It didn't matter if I held my breath or not. It was sweet, sour, and almost dead, all in one breath. It never got any better, no matter how often I took out the crap.

I was just throwing the third bag in when a scream pierced the silence of the night, making me pause. My heart leapt into my throat and my panther snapped to attention.

"Leave me alone," a woman's voice pleaded, raw terror evident in every syllable.

"I saw the way you were looking at me. I know you want it. Fucking tease," a male voice replied, dripping with malice.

"No, I wasn't, I swear." The woman's voice quivered.

Laughter erupted, more than one man. "Oh, she swears. We'll make you fucking swear. We'll have you calling out our names and asking for more. What do you reckon, Brad?"

A scuffle echoed through the alley.

I eased down the lid, careful not to let it make a single noise when it connected with the rest of the bin. My panther prowled beneath my skin, begging to be let loose.

"I think she's a fucking whore and asking for it," another male voice chimed in.

"No, please." There was terror in that voice, terror, and something else. A low growl vibrated along my throat.

The sound of a slap echoed in the alley, sharp and cruel.

I got down the steps, my movements silent and precise. I crept around the bins, down the alley, and towards the voices. "You fuckers," I muttered as I peeked out. Shit. There was no denying who they were, the same jacket that had hung on the back of a chair in the bar...

I pulled back, pressed myself into the wall, and closed my eyes for a moment. But it wasn't just the realisation that it was them that had me doing that. It was silver. I could feel it more than I could see it, its presence thick in the air.

"Get off me." The girl pushed at them. They had her pinned against the wall. One held her in place, the others standing around, jeering. The one holding her had a silver blade to her cheek. The blade was the only thing keeping her in check. Her eyes were wide with fear. She pushed and kicked.

Without any hesitation, the Human backhanded her with a gloved hand as he slammed her back, making damn sure she knew who was in control. He slid the blade down between her breasts.

"This is not happening. Not on my watch," I growled, my voice low and dangerous. No matter what Clayton said, I wasn't about to stand by, hiding in the shadows while some woman got raped and God knows what else.

Taking a deep breath, I lunged for them, grabbing the guy in the leather jacket by the collar and yanking. "She said get off, you piece of shit," I snarled, my voice barely human.

They had silver on their side. I had the element of surprise and raw fury. I knocked the fucker off his feet, sending him sprawling.

The silver was working, though. This close, and it was like breathing in noxious gas. It was thick and strong in the air, heavier than usual, as if they'd bathed in it. I could only focus on the knife. Still, I forced my way through it. "I won't say it again," I growled, each word a razor on my throat, every breath pulling more silver into my body.

The man was quick to get on his feet. "Fuck you, animal," he spat, coming at me.

Idiot. Even with the silver, I was faster, stronger. As soon as the man was close, I pushed. This time, he didn't go down. He was lucky. If there was no silver, he'd have flown into the brick wall and not got up a second time.

"Is that all you've got?" I taunted, my eyes flashing dangerously.