Wait a second. Is that a cemetery? *raised eyebrows emoji*
Shit. I hadn’t realized the headstone was visible in that picture.
Yeah. Today’s Mar’s birthday. Don’t worry, Leo’s here too. Waiting by the gate.
I wish I was there with you. I hate that you had to go visit her alone. *sad face emoji*
I took a long inhale through my nose and let it out slowly. I’d done enough crying today.
I kinda wanted to be alone anyway. Had some stuff to get off my chest.
And we’ve just been sitting here listening to Taylor Swift for a little while. It’s nice. Peaceful.
Fuck. Don’t tell me you’re one of THOSE people. *wacky tongue-out emoji*
*laughing crying emoji* You’re gonna have to get used to it. Die-hard Swiftie here. So was she.
I guess I can learn to deal with that if it means keeping you in my life.
Damn it. There went the waterworks again.
He still wanted me. Even after everything I’d done to him, all the horrible things I’d said in the heat of the moment, he wanted me.
Is it stupid if I say I miss you?
Only if it’s stupid for me to say I miss you too.
When do you get back?
I switched my flight. Leaving on a red-eye tomorrow morning.
Oh, my God. Was he…
Please tell me you’re not doing that for me. You need to be with your friends.