Page 7 of Under My Skin

“Well, make sure you order some dinner soon. Kitchen closes at eight,” the nurse clipped out. “Let me just take some vitals.”

After quickly getting Amara’s temperature, blood pressure, and vitals, the nurse and tech both left the room, and Amara turned to me.

“Do you want him back?” I asked her.

“No,” she chuckled. “You’re such a good aunt. If something happens to me, promise me you’ll take care of him.”

Just the thought of anything happening to my sister was too painful to contemplate. She and Isaac were the only family I had left. I couldn’t even think about losing either one of them.

“I already said I would when you wrote your will, remember?” I said, trying to avoid the subject.

“I know. But just promise me,” she insisted, tears coming to her eyes.

I couldn’t help chuckling. Her postpartum hormones were obviously in full swing already.

“Okay,” I agreed. “I promise. But nothing’s going to happen to you, Mar. You’re going to be an amazing mom. And I’ll help you however I can.”

“Thank you,” she sighed, closing her eyes as her face twisted in discomfort.

“What’s wrong, Mar?” I asked. “Do I need to call the nurse?”

“No, I’m fine,” she mumbled. “I’m just so tired. And dizzy.”

I smiled. “Okay. Get some rest while you can. Until Isaac needs you again.”

“Let me give him a kiss first,” she slurred slightly.

Walking over to the bed, I placed Isaac in his mother’s arms. She cradled him against her chest and pressed a kiss to his forehead.

“Te quiero mucho, mijito,” she murmured as her eyes slid closed and her head started to droop forward.I love you so much, son.

“Let me put him in his bassinet,” I said quietly, gently taking him back from her. “Get some rest, sis.”

Amara mumbled something else as she fell asleep, but I couldn’t make it out. I kissed Isaac’s forehead and then laid him in his little plastic bassinet before sitting down in the recliner next to the bed and closing my eyes.



Sweat poureddown my brow and my arms burned as I sat up after finishing a set of reps on the weights. I’d been pushing myself hard for the past couple of hours. Probably too hard, considering I didn’t have to report to training camp for almost three months, but I didn’t have any other outlet for my frustration, anger, and grief. At least this was a healthier option than drowning my sorrows in alcohol.

“Let me grab some water and then I’ll spot you,” I said to my friend Malachi Houston, the Dragons’ star quarterback.

Malachi nodded and started to add some extra weights to the bar while I guzzled down half a bottle of water in one gulp. My phone vibrated across the bench it was lying on as my notification tone sounded, and I snatched it up to check…and immediately wished I’d just left it alone when I looked at the latest email that had landed in my inbox.

To:Braden Hicks [[email protected]]

From:Unknown [[email protected]]

Subject:I miss youuuuuuu!!!

Hi baby,

I know you’re aching for me as much as I’m aching for you. But the connection we have can’t be broken by distance. Here’s a little taste of what’s waiting for you when we’re finally together. I can’t wait for the day when I finally get to replace my fingers with your hard cock. *eggplant emoji* *fire emoji*

