Page 106 of My Vows Are Sealed

“I appreciate it, but I just can’t,” he sighed. “I…I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to tell you about…I just wanted to apologize. I didn’t mean to air out all my dirty laundry like that.”

“Don’t be sorry, Ethan,” I murmured. “It’s okay. I’m just glad I understand now. And if you ever need to talk, I’m here.”

He cracked half a smile, wiping more tears from his cheeks. My heart broke for him, and I felt sick to my stomach knowing that someone I was related to was capable of something this horrific. Of stealing the innocence of a child they were supposed to be helping.

I wished my father could be held accountable for his crimes, but I knew I had to respect Ethan’s decision not to report it, the same way Brendan, Naomi, Kate, and Ashton had respected my decision not to. This wasn’t a choice anyone else could make for him. He had to be ready to go through that, and he had to be ready to accept whatever consequences would come if the police investigated and found nothing. Frankly, I wasn’t sure ifIwas ready for that, so I definitely couldn’t try to force it on anyone else. All I could do was be here for him and support him, no matter what decision he made.

As glad as I was that I understood now and that Ethan and I had cleared the air, it made my blood boil to know that my own father was guilty of so much depravity and evil and he’d probably never be punished for any of it. The terrifying reality was, after I told my story to the police, Brendan and I would be lucky if my dad went to jail for long enough that we could find somewhere to disappear to. Somewhere he’d never find me again.

Chapter 29




“This summer is going by way too fast,” I complained.

“And so are your days as a single woman,” Heather teased, putting an arm around my shoulders and pulling me into her side.

I smiled and laid my head on her shoulder, and my eyes drifted closed. I’d been so tired lately, and I had no idea why. But then again, living in constant fear that my father would figure out I was living literally five miles away from him was mentally exhausting. I guessed it made sense that the mental exhaustion would take a physical toll.

“How are you feeling about that?” Christy asked, making my eyes pop back open. “Only a couple more weeks until you and Brendan tie the knot.”

“And that means it’s only like three weeks before Ash and I move to New York,” Kate reminded us, plopping down next to me on her bed. “We’re leaving right after the wedding.”

My eyes stung at the reminder that I was about to lose not one, but two of my best friends, and I choked down the lump in my throat. I wasnotabout to ruin this girls’ day – well, girls plus Ashton – by bursting into tears.

“Don’t remind us,” Naomi murmured. “I already miss you guys so much it hurts.” She glanced at Heather and Christy. “And you two too. I’m not ready for you to go back to Georgia yet.”

“I’m not ready to leave either,” Christy sighed. “Darla’s right. This summer has gone bywaytoo fast.”

“At least you’ll still have me and Brendan here, Nay,” I reminded her. “And Alex isn’t going anywhere either. He likes working with Brendan too much.”

Naomi turned bright red at the mention of her boyfriend, and I had to smile. The two of them were a classic case of “opposites attract,” but I’d never seen her happier. After the girl she’d dated for our sophomore and junior years broke her heart, I was just glad he’d finally come to his senses and realized what everyone else in our group of friends had known for years: that he was crazy about her.

“Thank God for that,” Naomi chuckled.

“Who’s hungry?” Ashton asked as they walked into the bedroom carrying two pizzas.

The smell of greasy pepperoni and cheese wafted through the room, and it immediately made my stomach turn. Bile started to rise in my throat, and though I tried to choke it down, I couldn’t, and I jerked up and rushed into Kate’s en-suite bathroom. I barely had time to close the door behind me before I emptied what felt like the entire contents of my stomach into the toilet. I had no idea why I suddenly couldn’t stomach the smell of my favorite comfort food, but then again, I’d been so stressed out lately that maybe the smell of the grease just tipped the scales.

“Darla?” Kate called, knocking lightly on the door. “You okay in there?”

“Yeah,” I croaked as I flushed the toilet. “I just don’t feel great all of a sudden.”

“I got you a bottle of water. Can I come set it on the counter?”

“Sure,” I groaned, pushing myself up from the floor and closing the toilet lid so I could sit down.

The bathroom door cracked open, and Kate slipped inside and set the drink on the counter. I gratefully grabbed it and took small sips, trying to get the taste of puke out of my mouth.

“What happened there, hon?” she asked me.

“I don’t even know,” I mumbled. “It was like the second I smelled that pizza, my stomach revolted.”

“Um, who are you and what have you done with my best friend?” she teased. “You love pizza.”