Page 93 of My Vows Are Sealed

He pulled out of the embrace and took my hand as he led me back toward Marie, and she met us halfway, pulling me into her arms as a sob tore out of her throat.

“Oh, sweet girl,” she choked out. “I was so worried.”

“I’m sorry,” I sniffled.

“Don’t apologize, Darla,” she murmured. “Absolutely none of this is your fault. You are so strong and so brave. And so,soloved. I hope you know that. I hope you know how much Peter and I love you. You’re like a daughter to us.”

I nodded. “I love you guys too. So much. And the twins.”

“I wish you would have said something,” she sniffled. “I understand why you didn’t, but I wanted to help you and it killed me that I couldn’t.”

“How’d you figure it out?” I wondered.

And dideveryoneat church know? If so, how could they stand to sit there in that congregation and listen to that hypocrite spout lies and partial Bible verses twice a week?

“Because I recognized so much of myself in you.” She pulled back and wiped a few tears from my cheeks. “We’re more alike than you know, sweetheart. Peter saved me from my father, the same way Brendan saved you. I left home when I was seventeen, and we ended up having to move here from Georgia to get away from my father. Got married the second I turned eighteen and had Danny and Dawson not even a year later. It wasn’t easy, and sometimes all we had to carry us through was our faith, but I never regretted my choice to leave home for a second. It was what I had to do to survive. And the life I have now with Peter? It was worth every moment of heartache and pain and fear. Just like I know your life with Brendan will be.”

Brendan wrapped an arm around me and pulled me into his side, pressing his lips to my hair, and I just let myself melt into his arms.

My heart broke for Marie. The knowledge that someone I loved so much, someone I admired and looked up to, had been through the same horrors I had was devastating. But at the same time, it gave me hope. Hope that Brendan and I would make it through this and come out on the other side.

“I have something for you,” Marie said, taking a deep breath and pulling a wrapped gift out of her purse. “I know you’re not going to be able to come to church for a little while, so I figured this might make it easier for you. Your relationship with the Lord and your faith don’t depend on being in a building or on reading the Bible every day, but I know how important Bible study is to you. Go ahead and open it.”

I tore off the wrapping paper to find what looked like a guided Bible study book that was written specifically for young women. It looked well-loved, and the dust jacket was torn slightly in a few places.

“I had to stay away from church for a while too when I left home,” she explained. “And this book was what got me through it. I used it as a devotional guide for years, but right now, you need it more than I do. And I put my cell number on a piece of paper inside. If youeverneed me, call. I don’t care if it’s at three in the morning. I’ll be there. Okay?”

I gave her a hug as more tears spilled over my cheeks, and she squeezed me tight and kissed the side of my head.

“I know it’s not safe for us to stay here long, but will you let me pray with you before we leave?” she asked.

I nodded against her shoulder, and she let go of me with one arm and took Brendan’s hand as her eyes slid closed.

“Lord Jesus, I just want to lift Darla and Brendan up to You right now. Please give them both peace and comfort in this scary and confusing time, and please give them wisdom and guidance to know where to go from here. Lord, I’m asking for You to watch over both of them and the people helping them. Please protect them and keep them safe from harm. I know You have a plan for both of them, and I know that when this is over, You can use their story of faith and survival to do great things. Help them through this trial, Jesus, and show them Your love and grace in their time of need. I ask all this in Your holy name, amen.”

“Amen,” Brendan and I murmured at the same time.

“I love you so much, sweet girl,” Marie whispered, squeezing me tight again.

“I love you too,” I sniffled.

She let go of me and gave Brendan a hug too. “And I love you.”

“Love you too,” he chuckled weakly, sounding like he was trying to hold back tears. “Thanks for everything, Marie.”

“You don’t need to thank us. I just wish we could have helped sooner.” She put a hand on my shoulder and gave it a gentle squeeze. “I’ll see you two soon.”

I heard her start to walk away, and I turned to Brendan and slid my arms around his waist, resting my head on his chest. He folded his arms around me and dropped a kiss on my head.

“We need to get you out of here,” he whispered.

I nodded. “I know. It’s not fair. Is this what it’s going to be like for the next few months? Only getting to see you for five minutes at a time?”

“Absolutely not,” he said, pulling back just enough to give me a soft kiss. “I can’t live like that. I refuse to. I’m way too selfish. We’ll figure something out.”

“There’s a lot I need to tell you. About what my mom said. But I don’t want to do it here,” I told him, my voice breaking. “Can you come to Kate’s later? I’ll text you the address.”

He nodded and kissed me again, this time running his tongue along my bottom lip. I parted my lips to grant him access, and the fear and heartache I felt coming from him was enough to make a lump rise in my throat. But the love, the certainty, the determination…it was enough to calm all of my fears. At least for a moment.