Page 76 of My Vows Are Sealed

Instead of saying anything, Darla just crashed her lips to mine. And I poured every ounce of my love into this connection, praying that it was enough to erase the wounds her father had inflicted on her.

Chapter 22


Only Hope

“When’s the last time you ate something, Dar?” Brendan asked quietly.

I thought for a second, and as my stomach started to growl, I realized that I’d skipped lunch today. But I was so exhausted that I didn’t know if I even had the energy to eat. Now that I knew I was safe, at least for tonight, I just wanted to rest.

“Breakfast,” I sighed.

“How do you feel about ordering a pizza? You need to eat.”

“I’m…I’m just tired,” I mumbled, turning my face into his shirt.

“Eating and resting aren’t mutually exclusive,” he said, pressing a kiss to my head. “Did you bring something to sleep in?”

Crap. I hadn’t. I’d literally just grabbed clothes to go to school in.

I shook my head. “I wasn’t really thinking that far ahead when I was packing. I just…I just knew I needed to get out of there before he could realize I was gone.”

“I’ve got you covered,” he chuckled, kissing my forehead. “Let me up.”

Reluctantly, I moved off of his lap, and he went into his bedroom, emerging less than a minute later with one of his t-shirts.

“This shirt’s huge on me, so you’ll end up swimming in it. You can use it for a nightshirt until we can figure something else out. Go ahead and get changed, and I’m going to order a pizza. We’ll eat and watch some TV in the bedroom until you fall asleep.”

I couldn’t help the fresh round of tears that sprang to my eyes. I knew how clingy and needy I was being right now, but he was just taking it all in stride, and I got the distinct impression that he was as scared of what had happened to me today as I was.

Brendan set the shirt down on the couch, gently grabbed my hands, and pulled me up. He cupped my face in his hands and gave me a soft kiss that was full of so much love and tenderness that it made me choke down yet another sob.

“No more tears, baby,” he whispered against my lips. “I know you’re scared and everything’s up in the air right now, but believe me when I say that wewillfigure something out. Not tonight, though. Tonight, you’re just going to rest and know that you’re out of that house, with a man who would doanythingto keep you safe.”

I let out a quiet whimper as I used every ounce of my willpower to stop myself from crying, and then I stood on my toes and kissed him again. He pulled me close as he deepened it, and I just lost myself in the sense of security and certainty I always felt when I was with him.

“I love you,” I sniffled. “So much.”

“‘I love you’ doesn’t even begin to cover how I feel about you, Dar,” he murmured. “You’re part of me. I honestly don’t know what I’d do without you.”

“I don’t know what I’d do without you either,” I admitted.

He took a deep breath. “Listen, you can tell me this isn’t a good idea, but what do you think about calling your mom on her cell phone? Before your dad sends out a search party, if he hasn’t already.”

I sighed. I knew he was right, but…but what if my dad had taken her cell phone and was keeping it with him just in case I called? Or what if my mom told him where I was once I told her?

Almost like he was reading my mind, Brendan spoke again before I could voice my fears.

“You can use my phone just to be safe,” he elaborated. “And don’t tell her where you are. Just tell her that you’re okay, but you don’t feel safe coming back home. Maybe ask her if she can meet you for coffee or something sometime in the next few days and bring you some more clothes? If you feel safe doing that.”

I nodded, but didn’t say anything.

“My cell’s plugged in on my nightstand. Go close the door and get changed, and then call her. Can I use your phone to call for the pizza?”

“Yeah,” I mumbled.

He brushed his lips against my forehead. “I’ll be in in just a few minutes.”