"Cleo?" I made a face. "You’re on my shit list!"
"No cursing in the stadium," she reminded me, coming close. "How many times do I have to tell you that?"
"How can I not?! Did youseethat?" I gestured off towards the football players. "Ryan did it! We won!" I turned back to her with a frown. "I can’t believe you set me up with the boutique thing. That place is out of my tax bracket."
Cleo sighed. "It was at themall,Kassie."
"Still too expensive."
"I will rip those volunteer shirts from you if I have to burn them myself," Cleo huffed and crossed to our seats. "Kassie, I need to talk to you."
It was hard to tear my eyes away from the field. "What?"
"There’s an emergency to deal with."
Of all the times to have a PR meeting. I couldn’t believe it. I’djuststarted understanding football. It was my first game where I knew what was happening more than thirty percent of the time! Couldn’t we take a break and just enjoy the win?
Nope. Not on Cleo’s watch.
She motioned to the other football girlfriends to turn away from the conversation and when Zariah tried to peer in, Cleo snapped her fingers at her.
I sighed, leaning in closer. "What is it?"
Cleo flashed her phone and I gazed down at the screen, confused. For one, it looked like a picture of a bunch of topless college girls. And it was. A picture of a bunch of topless college girls, all sitting around a couch. To the left was some blonde dude I didn’t recognize but I knew the other guy in the picture. I would’ve recognized that linebacker anywhere.
"Oh my god." I squeezed my eyes shut. "Adam."
And Adam had just defended Ryan on the field. With another look, I caught sight of the Romans together on the field, clapping each other on the back and playing around. Number four and number forty-five were right next to each other. Ryan and Adam were just starting to make amends.
Until Ryan sees this.
"What are we going to do?" I groaned.
"No, Kassie. What areyougoing to do?"
I blinked. "Me?"
"When you held hands in front of the cameras, that was good," Cleo said. "You and Ryan did fine, but I need something better. I need you to go down to the field and compete with this photo."
"I should get paid better if I’m streaking after a football game."
She gave me an exasperated look. "Kassie. We need somethingbetterthan ahug. Do you understand?"
Pressing my lips together, I stole another look at the football players below, pumped as hell that they’d beat JBU. Ryan had worked so hard for this…why did I have to take that from him with something as stupid as this?
"It’s his moment though," I said. "I can’t do that to him."
Cleo blinked, surprised. "Why do you care?"
"I—" I stopped myself. "Well—"
"Ryan is only with us for a limited amount oftime,Kassie. He’s leaving in April. We have to take advantage of this opportunity, that’s the entire reason you’re signed with us."
That’s right.
Because I wasn’t on the Romans’ payroll to be happy for Ryan’s success. He and I worked together. I couldn’t forget that.