"Now." My shoulders burned as I took my place behind the equipment. I waited until Adam got into position. "First. If you want to talk shit, I don’t care but don’t waste your time here. Next game’s on Saturday."
"They’reallon Saturday—"
"Second," I snapped. "Coach Lawson’s rule, if you can talk, you’re not going hard enough."
"Pussywhipped Ryan is the worst Ryan on the lineup—"
My voice carried over the training room. "I’ll add more weights."
"Shutting up," he grumbled.
King took his place next to me and picked up a dumbbell. "Did you find anything?"
"No," I replied. "She hasn’t posted in four years."
"She might have an account under a different name."
That took me by surprise. I hadn’t thought of that. "Why would somebody have a social media account without their real name?"
"Man," Adam huffed, "you live in a damn cave—"
"Fifty more pounds?" I threatened.
"Shutting up."
King worked in silence for a minute. "Cleo’s Honda is in the parking lot. Maybe she has something."
I should’ve been grateful for the whole bullshit ordeal. At least Cleo had something else to focus on instead of trying to convince me to stay at Marrs next year. But a distraction wasn’t enough. It was like the girl disappeared into thin air.
Where is Kassie?
King tried again. "She could be listed in the school directory—"
The defensive end frowned, and I went back to spotting Adam.
That wasn’t a good enough explanation. I cleared my throat. "I just want to apologize."
"Alright," King said finally.
"I do."
He grunted.
"That picture wasn’t far off," I admitted. "It wasn't a great time. And Kassie…well, she's something else." I rubbed the back of my neck, pondering my next question. "King…you wouldn’t say we’re…ball dribblers. Would you?"
Adam snorted. "Say we’rewhat?"
"What’re you three punks doing?" A singsong voice burst through the door. June Basil emerged with a fresh cup of coffee and a grin.
On campus, June was a lot of things. In every organization, top of the housing committee, homecoming queen, and daughter of a favorite Houston city council member, June was one of the main ambassadors of Marrs University. If a ribbon was cut, she was in the picture. And June was also known for one other thing - being King’s girlfriend.
It was one of Cleo’s favorite things she had engineered. A fake relationship between June and King.
A mutually beneficial transaction.
June juggled her coffee in the crook of her elbow and pulled her blonde hair into a ponytail. "What’s the news?"