"What?" My mouth fell open. The blush came anyway. "Are—are you with anywhere?"
"I’m with my team of lawyers."
"Ryan. Did theyhearwhat I said?"
There was an audible pause over the phone before a range of awkward voices joined in.
"Hello, Ms. Ragar."
"Wonderful to—ah—hear from you, Ms. Ragar."
"Ms. Ragar, uh—" A woman cleared her throat. "We practice the utmost discretion in terms of Mr. Cross’s privacy."
The blush burned so hot, I could’ve acted as a lighthouse. "Jesus Christ, Ryan.Why did you answer?!"
He sounded actually offended about the question. "I always answer your calls."
"Oh my god." I shoved myself out of the bed and the embarrassment overwhelmed me. "Do notanswernext time when you’re—oh my god this could’ve happened at literally any time. You’re getting a technology class for Christmas! Jesus Christ!" I yanked away the phone and almost ended the call before I pulled it back again. "You are so goddamn lucky I love you."
"I love you too. And—" Ryan dropped his voice. "We can talk about the bracelet possibilities later—"
I hung up the phone.
Another Type Of Kiss
I graduated from waiting in the lobby of Roman Forest to waiting in Kassie’s dorm, sitting on the couch that I fixed with a rubber shim. The entire room was full of art majors. Walking in and out of the bathroom while music blared from the speaker.
“The fact that I wasn’t invited to the ceremony hasn’t escaped me,” Zariah told me, sitting on the other side of the couch with a bowl of Takis.
I raised my eyebrow. “Why didn’t you ask Adam?”
“He told me it’s a one-way ticket to a sorority girl’s panties.”
“Wow.” A chuckle burst out of me. “Using football to get laid? That doesn’t sound like Adam.”
“My favorite virgin.”
“Why don’t you just go with us?” I pointed out. “Once you’re through the doors, it doesn’t matter who you came with.”
“Nope. I’ve been wounded.”
“Nobody wants me around. Nobody wants me to go.”
I nodded and put my arm on the back of the couch, stretching back. “Kassie? I’m not good with this. Assistance from the sidelines is needed.” I leaned a little further. “Kassie.”
“Almost done!”
Zariah offered the bowl of Takis. “You could make it up to me by flying me out too when Kassie visits you.”
When Kassie visits you.
I took my regular seat on the couch again, nodding along to Zariah’s words as she started talking about Florida. Because that’s what my girlfriend was doing. Leaving. But I had a plan to talk to her about it. A good one. After tonight, we’d go grab drinks and I could tell her piece by piece what I wanted.