Page 21 of Out of Bounds

"Thanks, Ryan," Kassie muttered.

"Animation," Cleo repeated to herself and pulled out her personal laptop. She scrolled across the touchpad. "I’m thinking, an internship with our athletics graphic design department."

Kassie stiffened. "What?"

"Opening internship is for college graduates, but I’m positive they’ll—hm—make an exception." Cleo swung over her laptop and showed a number of figures on the screen. "Starting salary. And if everything goes well with our side project here, high recommendation letters for post-grad."

"Holy shit," Kassie whispered.

"Let me make this clear, you won’t actually beworkingfor the department. We expect you to clock in, but think of it as free time to study. All your energy should go to yourtruework." Cleo pointed toward me. "Him."

I narrowed my eyes. That wasn’t the number we’d originally thrown around. Cleo’s boss must’ve caught her before she finalized everything.


Looking over though, Kassie stared at the screen. No retort whatsoever.

It’s not good enough.

"I…I couldn’t…" In the most unexpected development, Kassie stumbled through her words, a bright blush painted across her cheeks. "I…I couldn’t…um…"

"I wantbothof you to understand the stakes here." Cleo turned back to her earpiece. "One moment, Kassie. We’ll need your hiring paperwork today. Hm…that’ll have to be approved before three…."

Cleo took a brisk walk back to her desk to fetch something.

I couldn’t let the moment slip by. "Kassie."

"I….?" She didn’t blink. "Is this a dream?"

"Kassie," I repeated.

Once she caught my eye again, I grunted, and looked up, careful to keep my eyes flickering towards the ceiling. But she still sat in shock.


With Cleo just paces away, I couldn’t tell her to demand more money. Marrs University was one of the few schools where I could make royalties off my own name in college football. With every shoe signing push, I made a nice bundle. Our public relations assistant didn’t have a small part in that.

I needed another way to tell her. Muttering under my breath, I typed out a message on my phone.

"But, see…" Kassie struggled to give her answer while Cleo flipped through papers. "I have two…jobs right now…."

"Quit them. Immediately." Cleo waved the question away. "Ryan’s your job now."

I bumped Kassie with my phone.

Her eyes snapped to mine. "No, Ryan, I—I can’t—"

I didn’t care.

"It’s already a lot…" Kassie shot Cleo a panicked look in the corner and lowered her voice to a whisper. "And—"

"You’re telling me you chew me out overnothing,but you’re scared about this?"

"I’m not scared."

"You’re a deer in headlights." I shook my head. "You live at Roman Forest and you don’t wantmoremoney?"
