“That should be a law,” Zariah breathed out. “If you have a terrible dinner, some guy eats you out.”
I giggled until I spotted my laptop, flashing the low battery light. I had to venture into the bedroom andnotwake up Ryan. I pushed myself up. “I’ve got to grab my charger, Z. Do you need something?”
"My pajamas," Zariah whispered. "Do you want to watch a movie?”
“Yeah. Sounds good.”
“Thanks, Kass."
Before I left though, I needed to tell her something. I hung back over the couch. "You’re a completely useless wingman by the way. He’s halfway to getting me pregnant."
"I gave him a perfectly reasonable metaphorical situation and he dunked it in the trash." Zariah snorted, whipping out her phone.
"Ryan’s not metaphorical," I pointed out. "Metaphors aren’t in his natural habitat. Or his diet plan. He doesn’t do metaphors."
"Don’t worry, girl. He already chewed me out about it."
I grinned and headed off to the bedroom.
Because of the football player’s renovations, the door didn’t creak open anymore but I was still slow and deliberate with it out of habit. Ryan had been going nonstop for too long. I couldn’t remember the last time he’d had actual rest, much less passing out for this long.
And there he was, fast asleep.
My heart slowed in my chest at the sight of him. He really was such a knockout. I should’ve left him alone but my footsteps were soft on the floor as I approached the bed.
I knew his face like the back of my hand. I’d been drawing it all semester. But in his peaceful sleep, a lot of the intense lines eased away. The ones by his eyes, when he frowned at something, and the ones along his jaw—gone. His body rose and fell softly as he breathed in deep, with his feet hanging off my bed, and his dark curls, disheveled. They’d been getting longer. Gently, I brushed my fingers through them and Ryan stirred.
Backing away didn’t do anything, His eyes flickered open.
"Ryan, I’m so sorry," I apologized and reached back for my laptop charger.
"What?" he rasped, delirious. His voice was low and throaty, thick with sleep. "Kassie—what time is it?"
I flinched. "Nine?"
I’m Not Apologizing For This
Ryan shoved himself up and sucked in a breath, holding his head. He was still pretty banged up, the bruise on his face, the bruise on his side, I couldn’t imagine how sore he was. But he fumbled for his phone anyway on my nightstand, cursing under his breath at how he’d overslept past everything.
I touched his arm. "Ryan."
"I slept too long, I shouldn’t have—"
"Hey?" I touched his jaw. "You’re fine. The only thing youhadto go to was the meeting with the defense coaches—and Iwasgoing to wake you up for that—but they canceled anyway. I told June and King we couldn’t make the double-date and took your name off your gym slots. Your schedule’s clear. You didn’t miss anything."
"You…?" Ryan held a pause. "You cleared my schedule?"
"I mean, the defense coaches canceled. I didn’t wave a magic wand."
Stunned, Ryan gazed at me.