The answer was easy. “No.”
“Compromise, Ryan. The thing you’re working on.”
I shifted back, thinking it over. I wouldn’t accept her money. As hard as she wanted to fight about it, it wasn’t happening. But I could take something else from her. “You’re going to start calling me baby.”
Kassie didn’t say anything but I could feel her surprise in the cramped space.
“It’ll sound better for the cameras,” I informed her and stepped out of the elevator.
We Can’t Adopt
I discovered a new kink at possibly the worst time to figure one out.
Kink? Maybe that wasn’t the right word. Either way, while Ryan measured cabinets, dismantled our sinks, and took away the tools from me when I tried to offer help—which was me just being nice, I didn’t know what the hell he was doing—I tiptoed around him, and pretended like I wasn’t trying to get an eyeful of the handyman himself.
It wasn’t just that it was hot watching him work with his hands. I mean, that too, but it wasn’t all that. Ryan picked up the project and it was that simple.
New kink discovered. Men following through on promises.
Setting up my art station for my early morning class, it was hard as hell to ignore my roommate, determined to break me about it.
"I’m coming up with a system of measurement right now." Zariah tapped her pencil against her chin. "From dry as a bone to how much you were salivating last night."
Was it that obvious?
"I’ll schedule that eye exam if you want me to," I retorted. Even that sounded weak.
"You ordered him two extra large pizzas, Kass"
"Yeah, Z. He ripped nails out of our walls." I wrinkled my nose. "And I ordered him those super protein pizzas he likes with no cheese."
"If anything, that’s a punishment."
Zariah leaned forward, smug. "He lookedveryunhappy."
My phone buzzed in my back pocket and I had a pretty good idea who was hitting me up before I even checked.
But did my roommatedeservea sandwich? I gave her a long look before I sighed and passed Zariah my phone.
"Huh." She made a noise at the back of her throat. "Very unhappy indeed."
"Do you want a sandwich or not?" I muttered.
Zariah typed her order as quick as she could, and while I texted mine, she sat back on her chair. "Kass, can wepleasekeep him?"
"He’s a foster dog," I reminded her. "Remember that."
"We can adopt him."