He took over helping Zariah and offered a wry smile. "He grabbed me first. I don’t think she’s going to complain."
We stopped by one of the nicest cars on the street—and that was saying something, considering how many of the frat boys had lawyer-daddy legacy money. I didn’t know cars and I still had to do a double take to make sure it was the one he unlocked.
What if Zariah threw up inside? The interior looked like it cost more than my rent.
Muttering under his breath, Ryan pulled Zariah back from trying to enter his car via the open window. "I’m putting the child lock on. Stop touching the buttons."
I helped him as much as I could but I couldn’t benchpress what he could. There was nothing I could do that compared to the way he gently pushed Zariah’s head back into the car, all while she belted out another song.
"Cross!" a voice interrupted us and I recognized the real tall athlete from the training center, bounding across the walkway.Aidan? Maybe?He cupped his hands over his mouth. "Captain! Boss captain! Hold on!"
Ryan opened the passenger door for me. "Adam, I’m taking them home."
"Man, you told us to keep on our best behavior, and you—" He laughed. "Wait, what’d you mean?"
"I’m taking them home."
"Are you serious? Dude, no one cares about Darren! Every good party has a fight!"
With a hand on the top of the car door, Ryan stood over me with an eyebrow raised. "Are you getting in?"
"This is…an expensive car."
He chuckled. "I like getting to places on time."
I was definitely more drunk than I thought because something about the way he said that made my thighs press together. The self-assured, cocky way left me fumbling for my next question.
"What—what if something happens to it?"
"Then I’ll pay for it," he replied and when I still hesitated, his eyes softened. "It’ll be a short ride. Don’t worry."
I slipped into the car without further argument. I just wanted to feel a car seat without a rip or a tear or a bit of blood in the lining. It was softer than I thought and I was content running my fingers along the seam of the seat. Definitely not drunk as all get out.
Outside the car, Adam tried to block Ryan, but he might as well have tried to stop a steamroller. The driver’s side openedand Ryan got in, one long leg at a time. There wasn’t a problem with his car. Ryan was justbig.
I held up my phone. "Bluetooth?"
"No," Ryan was quick to say.
"Why not?"
"I'm not listening to theBird Pantssoundtrack." He ignored my sounds of disbelief
When Ryan rolled down his window, Adam knelt down. "That’s something you’ve got to learn about Ryan. Nobody touches his radio."
"They live close," Ryan informed him. "It’s a short drive. I’ll be back."
Adam tried to sweeten the deal. "Order them an Uber or something. This is your first party of the year. You don’t have to do this. We can keep the party going!"
"Kass, K-ass-ie." Zariah clutched my arm. "Kass! It’s him!"
She was drunker than I thought. "What?"
"I’m going to drop them off," Ryan said. "I’ll be back before everybody misses me."
"I know you!" Zariah giggled.
Adam’s attention snapped to the side with a wolfish grin. "Oh? And do I know you?"